First, of, what is meant by “deep state”?
According to ex-CIA Philip Giraldi, “Every country has a deep state of some kind even if it goes by another name. ‘The Establishment’ or ‘old boys’ network’ was widely recognized in twentieth century Britain. ‘Establishment’ has often also been used in the United States, describing a community of shared values and interests that have evolved post-Second World War from the Washington-New York axis of senior government officials and financial services executives. They together constitute a group that claims to know what is ‘best’ for the country and act accordingly, no matter who sits in the White House.
I would say that this deep state, this establishment, is only looking out for its own best interests, not the country’s, for its decisions are often the very worst for the rest of us. I totally agree, though, that this deep state will do what it wants “no matter who sits in the White House.” The deep state controls our government, banks, and media. It shapes our world view, brainwashes us. The deep state is our country’s true ruler, with the president just a figure head.
The deep state defines our world. Branding it “the American hologram,” Joe Bageant memorably encapsulates, “This great loom of media images, and images of images is so many layers deep that it has replaced reality. No one can remember the original imprint. If there was one. The hologram is a hermetic snow globe, a self-referential circuitry of images, and a Möbius loop from which there is no logical escape. Logic has zilch to do with what is going on. The smallest part holographically recapitulates the whole, and vice versa. No thinking required, we just cycle and recycle through an aural dimension. Not all that bad, I guess, if it were not generated by forces out to fuck every last pair of eyeballs and mind plugged into it.”
Myths, Misunderstandings and Outright lies about owning Gold. Are you at risk?
Though the US has endured a decades-long epidemic of black-on-white crimes, the deep state has convinced the world that American blacks are merely passive victims of white racism. Each white on black crime is magnified, while all black misbehaviors are suppressed. When it comes to crime news, Americans have learned to decipher “teen” or “youth” as “black.” “Wisconsin Teens Drugged, Gang Raped 15-year-old girl and Posted Video of Assault on Facebook.” “Teen Gang Attacks Girls in Crowded DC Metro Station.”
Though millions of Muslims have been systematically killed, maimed or made homeless by the US/Israel axis, Muslims are relentlessly depicted as crazed killers or out-of-control rapists. In February, there was a report of 51 Middle Eastern sexual molesters being beaten up in Murmansk, Russia. After checking the Russian press, Jonathan Revusky emailed me, “Think about what was being claimed. 51 refugees getting their asses kicked by… well… presumably at least as many Russians, so 100+ people in a massive brawl, right? This is the claim, and it’s getting echoed in the echo chamber and the local cops, who never heard of any such thing happening, they go to the place, look at the CCTV footage, interview people and AFFIRM/ATTEST/CERTIFY that this shit never happened […] The biggest single take-away from all of this sort of thing is that there is a massive propaganda effort underway to vilify Muslims. There really are these people who are paid, probably six-figure salaries, to just sit around and makeup calumnies. […] Not only do these people (we know who they are, the Zio bastards basically) have probably millions of dollars to spread this stuff, but they also have a pretty good understanding of mass psychology, how to propagate myths, like urban legends.”
Ron Unz, “We naively tend to assume that our media accurately reflects the events of our world and its history, but instead what we all too often see are only the tremendously distorted images of a circus fun-house mirror, with small items sometimes transformed into large ones, and large ones into small. The contours of historical reality may be warped into almost unrecognizable shapes, with some important elements completely disappearing from the record and others appearing out of nowhere.”
Mind-raped, most Americans can’t even see that an American president’s only task is to disguise the deep state’s intentions. Chosen by the deep state to explain away its crimes, our president’s pronouncements are nearly always contradicted by the deep state’s actions. While the president talks of peace, democracy, racial harmony, prosperity for Main Street and going after banksters, etc., the deep state wages endless war, stages meaningless elections, stokes racial hatred, bankrupts nearly all Americans and enables massive Wall Street crimes, etc.
Only the infantile will imagine the president as any kind of savior or, even more hilariously, anti-establishment. Since the deep state won’t even tolerate a renegade reporter at, say, the San Jose Mercury News, how can you expect a deep state’s enemy to land in the White House?! It cannot happen.
A presidential candidate will promise to fix all that’s wrong with our government, and this stance, this appearance, is actually very useful for the deep state, for it gives Americans hope. Promising everything, Obama delivered nothing. So who do you think is being primed by the deep state to be our next false savior?
Who benefits from false flag terrorist attacks blamed on Muslims? Who gains when blacks riot? Why is the Democratic Party propping up a deeply-despised and terminally ill war criminal? More personable Bernie Sanders was nixed by the deep state since it had another jester in mind.
The first presidential debate is Monday. Under stress, Hillary’s eyes will dart in separate directions. Coughing nonstop for 90 minutes, her highness will hack up a gazillion unsecured emails. Her head will jerk spasmodically, plop onto the floor and, though decapitated, continue to gush platitudes and lies. “A Very Impressive Performance,” CNBC and CNN will announce. Come November, though, Trump will be installed because his constituency needs to be temporarily pacified. The deep state knows that white people are pissed.
This week, Trump dropped by Geno’s in my neighborhood. Though the Donald only got lunch for himself, words soon spread that he had bought a cheesesteak for everyone present. Years ago, I saw a tiny flag strung between two trees, “Obama and Oprah save the World.” Like fools, we expect salvation from the deep state’s cynical puppets.