The MSM has forsaken its duty in a democracy and is a disgrace to investigative, unbiased journalism.
The mainstream media bet the farm on Hillary Clinton, confident that their dismissal of every sceptical inquiry as a “conspiracy” would guarantee her victory. It now appears they have lost their bet. Let’s do something radical and be honest for a moment: the mainstream media has smoothed the path to Hillary’s coronation in countless often subtle ways.
MSM “Opinion” hacks have unleashed unrelenting attacks on legitimate inquiries with accusations of “conspiracy” and obsequious kowtowing headlines such as “Can we please stop talking about Hillary’s health?”
Suggestions that the Clinton Foundation engaged in “pay to play” during Hillary’s term as secretary of state are glossed over; yes, it looks bad, the MSM reluctantly admits, they hurry to add that no impropriety can be proven in court.
Given the foundation is run by attorneys who obfuscate the meaning of the word “is,” do you really think they’re going to leave tracks that can make it to court?
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The Democratic National Committee’s corruption was downplayed, and the mainstream media’s pathetic lack of inquiry was of a piece with old Soviet “news”: a scapegoat or two is cut out of the leadership photo, and the DNC corruption machine moves on untouched.
Consider the subtle Orwellian play of The New York Times sidebar headline after Hillary’s collapse on 9/11: “Hillary leaves 9/11 event early.” Oh really? This was the substance of what happened, that the candidate “left early”?
All through the primaries, when Hillary won the NYT et al. splashed huge headlines declaring her victory. When Bernie won, headlines read “Hillary gains ground,” not “Bernie wins another primary.”
Rampant election fraud in the Democratic primaries was left uninvestigated, calling to mind the way Too Big To Fail banking fraud was left untouched by the mainstream media, which happily swallowed whole suspect official pronouncements that “subprime is contained” even as the financial system was veering into complete collapse in 2008.
There is an easy way to identify bias that we can all play at home: substitute “Sanders” or “Trump” for “Hillary” or “Clinton”. If Donald Trump collapsed on the sidewalk and had to be tossed in the van like a sack of rice, do you think the mainstream media would be bleating, “can we please stop talking about Trump’s health?” Please don’t even try to claim that oh, yes, the MSM would rush to run that headline.