The cost of healthcare in the U.S. is on an unsustainable trajectory. A report published in 2014 said, “economists predict in less than 3 years it will require 50% of the average U.S. household income to pay the costs of out-of-pocket expenses and health insurance for a family.” [Annals Family Medicine March 2012]
It is unforeseeable how insurance pools can sustain cancer treatment under the current treatment versus preventive paradigm. [Expert Reviews Pharmacoeconomics Outcomes Research 2015]
The current approach, the Affordable Care Act, to force young uninsured individuals to buy health insurance plans to pay for the healthcare costs of the infirm and aged, is obviously unsustainable also. [Annals Family Medicine May 2012]
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The Affordable Care Act only delays the day insurance premiums exceed household income by 4 years. [Medscape] The cost curve continues to rise. Healthcare will become unaffordable to most American families regardless of changes in who bears the burden. Health payment investigators say Obamacare has little influence in curbing costs as America faces an unsustainable future. {Health Affairs June 27, 2016]
“None of the efforts to tweak health care costs using payment changes has bent the cost curve during the last 50 years.” [Annals Family Medicine May 2012] Uproar from physicians over reduced payments for care will be futile. Healthcare today is simply unaffordable.
Promotion of the Mediterranean Diet and the employment of nutraceuticals and anti-aging pills as molecular mimics of a calorie-restricted diet, given that the majority of healthcare costs are attributed to diseases of aging, may be the best route saving modern society from itself. [Nutrients Nov 16, 2013;Food Nutrition Research June 24, 2016; Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives Medicine Jan 2016]
Short of a return to the practice of fasting, a carbohydrate restricted diet accounts for 71% of the reduction in blood sugar accomplished with fasting. [Metabolism Feb 2015]
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In the face of high-calorie diets, the combined utilization of quercetin + resveratrol produces synergistic effects akin to fasting. [Journal Proteome Research Oct 5, 2012] Polyphenols like resveratrol and quercetin inhibit the digestion of carbohydrates, stimulate insulin secretion, govern the release of glucose from the liver and sensitize cells to insulin. [International Journal Molecular Science March 31, 2010]
Calorie restriction + fish oil supplementation is yet another self-care strategy. [BBA Clinical May 22, 2015]
Another alternative would be to renew the ancient practice of bloodletting to reduce iron overload and normalize blood pressure and weight in adults. [Archives Internal Medicine 1992; Science Daily May 29, 2012]
Retrospectively, it appears many of the positive effects of hospitalization are due to the frequent withdrawal of blood samples that are equivalent to blood letting and not due to the treatments offered. [Annals Thoracic Surgery2015] Geographically available blood letting centers might do more to quell disease and save precious health care dollars than hospitals. []
A problem is that economists are relying on the growth of jobs in the healthcare sector to keep unemployment rates low. [Bureau Labor Statistics] Any practice that lowers the rate of the disease may be unwelcome to politicians and the healthcare industry.
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Short of political, professional and public resolve to practice preventive self-care, to consume therapeutic diets instead of problematic and costly medications, to return to simple technologies like fasting and blood letting, few Americans will be able to afford doctoring or hospitalization and it will be every man for himself.
The fact that dietary supplements replicate the same biological actions as most prescription drugs without the cost or side effects, suggests a robust growth in the use of nutraceuticals if consumers can be coached away from Rx medications. []
Substitution of nurses and physician assistants, possibly via online access, to instruct in self-care may be an interim practice before the healthcare sector collapses completely due to unaffordability.
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