Learning What It’s Like To Be A Serf

We are heartbroken … It’s painful to wake up in the morning to know some of your brothers … have been killed.”

You might suppose the speaker to be a relative of Philando Castile or Alton Sterling, or some other black American serf (not because cops don’t kill whites—they do; in fact, most of their victims are white, even if a disproportionate number aren’t. But whites don’t typically speak of “brothers”).

And you’d be wrong. Our mourner is “Lafayette[, LA] Police Chief Reginald Thomas,” one of the cops USAToday interviewed for its sob-story on the “heavy emotional toll” that “Violence” is “taking … on police officers.” That “Violence” would be ours against them, not theirs against us.

Our Rulers’ ham fist is so obvious in this article that I’ll bet USAToday dispensed with reporters and editors and simply took dictation. The resulting propaganda dovetails with Leviathan’s other efforts at humanizing the police-state, at trying to convince beaten, bloodied serfs that cops’ predations are good for us, if only we were grateful and smart enough to realize it. Worse, the beast’s efforts are paying off: after the (possibly false-flag) massacres of cops in Dallas and Baton Rouge, too many Americans feel sorry for the Brutes in Blue. Abducting Arnold Akers, Becky Best Price: $15.95 Buy New $19.95 (as of 10:35 UTC - Details)

Lest a few ungrateful, stupid serfs remain, Our Rulers pound home their lesson in USAToday and elsewhere, such as at the Rethuglicans’ convention. There the insufferable Rudolph “The Red-Nosed Reigner” Giuliani intoned, “The vast majority of Americans today … fear for our police officers, who are being targeted, with a target on their back!”

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No wonder Rudy’s a Reigner. Such poor speaking would preclude his snagging a real job; even WalMart’s greeters must be capable of saying “Hello” without making fools of themselves. And while I don’t know about you, I fear for us, not cops. Moreover, I fear because of them: those targets decorate our backs, not theirs, as the police-state thins our herd.

Rudy cravenly continued, “We know the risk [cops are] taking”—pssst, Reigner: cops suffer far fewer on-the-job mishaps than other professions. Or have you been too busy perp-walking stockbrokers to bother with facts?—“and we say thank you to every police officer and law enforcement agent who’s out tonight protecting us…! When they come to save your life, they don’t ask if you’re black or white. They just come to save you!” (There’s more, but I’ll spare you—except for this: the Reigner promised, “What I did for New York, Donald Trump will do for America.” That’s the best reason I’ve seen yet for staying home this November rather than voting against Hitlary.)

But I interrupted USAToday’s pity-party as cops lament their eight late “brothers.” News of fallen comrades has become “’a constant bombardment for them,’ said Darrell Basco, the chief of police in the town of Pineville, La., and president of the Louisiana Fraternal Order of Police. ‘It’s like they don’t ever get a break … it’s been a lot of bad news.’”

Hey, Darrell, see what it’s like to be a serf? Barely had we recovered from the headlines—and very graphic video—of a cop’s pumping four bullets into Philando Castile before we watched Alton Sterling die. “Constant bombardment,” for sure.

Also sounding serfish was “Maj. Art LeBreton, the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office enforcement commander…” He “‘was at a loss for words. It hurts.’”

We feel your pain, Art. But just think: unlike you, the families of Rigoberto Alpizar, David Sal Silva, Zachary Hammond, Dylan Noble, etc., ad infinitum, know that those who exterminated their loved ones not only lived through it but enjoyed “paid administrative leave.” SWAT teams annihilate cops’ alleged assailants; we must await the next world for justice against ours.

Prepare yourself, dear reader: we now take a hard right turn into sheer and often incoherent gall with “State Police Superintendent Col. Michael Edmonson”: “’That’s what those people don’t realize is police officers, we’re all human beings.”

So are we, Mike. So were Philando Castile and Alton Sterling. Halestorm Akers, Becky Buy New $8.57 (as of 10:30 UTC - Details)

“We have a family.” Ditto. “We have dreams.” Yep. “We have goals, and we have a name.” As did your multitude of victims, Mike. “I think it’s so easy to get past that sometimes because it’s a police officer who pulled me over, so you’re not happy.’”

Astounding, isn’t it? Cops not only prey on us, they condemn us for resenting the theft. Yo, Mike: only contemptible cowards lurk in medians, waiting to pounce on and loot us. Ditto for those who ruin a kid’s life because he enjoys his weed. And don’t prattle that police stop the competition from robbing us: cops very seldom if ever prevent real crime, and the few times they do, it’s simply to gull the sheeple into excusing their overwhelming depredations. “Who’s gonna protect us if we don’t have police?” they bleat.

But please God, more and more of them reject this pretext. Increasingly, Americans realize we pay for “police protection” with our blood: in the ten days between July 7’s five dead cops in Dallas and Baton Rouge’s ambush of three on July 17, police nationwide slew almost four times as many of us. And only ten of those 31 fatalities were black. Not that it matters—but let’s repudiate the notion that black Americans alone die from serficide. This tragedy affects all of us, regardless of color.

Meanwhile, all this horror has produced a tiny bit of good. “Maj. Eddie Thibodeaux of the St. Landry, La., Sheriff’s Office said law enforcement officers there” are on such “high alert” that they no longer “have routine traffic stops…” Yay! Less plunder and humiliation of the serfs!

Even so, the police-state continues its war on us. No one, whatever his color, should mistake the battle for one of the cops against blacks or blacks against whites.

It’s cops against all of us.