How To Survive In These United States of Scamerica

Ok, boys and girls, today Jack will explain the whole shebang to you. The reason I am in a position to explain it is because I haven’t got a dog in this fight. I don’t have a dog. I don’t even like them. After much deep looking, I think the obvious is so obvious people have to be willingly deluding themselves not to see it. Indeed, a self-induced hallucination of alleged grandeur that manifested as the “Great Nation On Earth.” A mirage more fictitious than anything the Wizard of Oz could have conjured up to mesmerize the various Tin Men, Scarecrows, Cowardly Lions, Dorothys, and Totos that inhabit this peculiar realm we call the United States of America. We don’t lack flying monkeys, either. They’re called the federal government.

Here is the explanation: It’s all a scam. Got that? Everything they’re trying to convince you of, sell you or get you to believe in part of some scam they’re huckstering off to fill their pockets. Often, by getting you to fill your pants in fear, they scared you with “terrorism.” And so you went along with two new federal government agencies, a new just-add-army instant police state law, and two no-win wars. The truth is this: There is a greater chance of you slipping in the bathtub and breaking your neck than dying in a terrorist attack. But let me spell it out better: There is a greater chance of you slipping in the tub and breaking your neck because you were startled by lightning Welcome to Obamaland: ... James Delingpole Best Price: $0.10 Buy New $1.43 (as of 05:25 UTC - Details) striking the bathroom window while the winning lottery ticket sat on the counter than you dying in a terrorist attack here. What’s Homeland Security accomplished besides budget overruns? What has the TSA accomplished besides lost connection flights because they cannot inspect luggage fast enough? A scam? Of course. But to demonstrate how the scam as a whole operates, let me provide the best example.

Before the Housing Crash (I didn’t know houses could collide, but okay), all kinds of people were asking me, “Are you going to buy a house?!” I said, no, it’s a scam. They acted like I had just denied the existence of The Government, that is, the false idol they’ve set up to worship. This blasphemous remark on my part earned the retort, “What?! Are you crazy? You Need to own a house! Renting is throwing away money!” Wrong. Renting is paying for a service, that being a dwelling place. It’s thousands of years old, this whole renting thing. If the purpose of a dwelling place is shelter, I don’t need to necessarily own that place. I am content to pay for the service and not worry about the water heater taking a crap when I’ve only got $6.78 in my pocket.

However, these people would not relent. They would badger and hector and hound me about buying a house with all kinds of arguments. I began to see that these are people that not only fell for the scam but worked for free—for free!—to promote it! I felt like President Nixon at a press conference during the Watergate Scandal. “You’re not buying a house?! Infidel! Blasphemer!” Excuse me, but did any of you clowns ever, at any time, begin to wonder why all these magazines and TV shows about buying and owning houses and all this “Ownership Society” crap suddenly popped up during the George W. Bush administration? Why were they telling you that if you already did own a house, you pretty much owned a “bank” you could tap into for “free” cash? Come on, people, whose fault was this? The Problem with Socia... Thomas DiLorenzo Best Price: $9.49 Buy New $11.93 (as of 06:45 UTC - Details)

Have any people not heard President Obama having made comments about how to “revitalize” the housing market? My gosh, and people listen to that and can’t see this is a scam?! Buying a house worth $75,000 tops for $300,000 and then when you get upside down on the mortgage, you THEN figure out you got scammed? See, here’s the thing about paying for a service. You know, renting. If the rent goes up, I can find a competitor who will rent me some digs at the price I want to pay. Owning a house is fine if that’s what you want. But if you didn’t see the collaboration between central banks and a central government that led up to the Housing Crash, you were wearing an arc welder’s mask while signing that mortgage.

Right, the Housing Crash skidded into the economy, careened off the government, and the whole shebang went off a cliff. I’m the kind of guy that said, “Good riddance to it all! Everyone does not ‘deserve’ to own a house. Sorry.” But the government had no other rabbits in the hat than to try and keep pumping the chest of the economy in CPR by “saving” the housing market. Excuse me, but how about pulling the plug on this brain-dead scam? But I guarantee there’re millions of suckers out there willing to pony up $250,000 for a house that sold for $15,000 back in 1960 and signs a mortgage even conditions even more sinister than a U.S. Army enlistment “contract”. At least when a soldier gets killed in another no-win American war, the army doesn’t come after the family. Unless he had an unpaid bill at the PX anyway.

People wrongly assume this to be a “market” thing. It isn’t. A true market sells a true product that has genuine competitors all vying to provide the best one for the money. Can this be said of the housing market in, say, 2004? Of The Revolution: A Mani... Ron Paul Best Price: $1.99 Buy New $6.99 (as of 11:00 UTC - Details) course not. The whole thinking was, “My house is worth money! It should increase in value and, ergo, make me rich if I sell it later!” Uh, beg pardon guv’nor, but isn’t the purpose of the house to LIVE IN? As in, if your intent is to live in it, you don’t care if it’s worth $250,000 or $2.50. If someone tells you that your dwelling place can be a source of income, is this any different than the auto title loans the government says are “predatory” and wrong? Well, see, when Wall Street does a “house title loan”, the government holds hands with Wall Street and together they skip gleefully down the Yellow Brick Road.

Therefore, we can see the scam that the government helped Wall Street pull off with housing. That the government wants to keep the scam going tells you that it wasn’t just an idea of Wall Street. It was the federal government also that pulled the trigger on the whole thing. Why else was Bush sitting up there talking about this whole “Ownership Society” thing?  The beauty of it was, even the Bush-hating liberals fell for it! Yes! I was amazed! All the dog-smooching, sensible-car driving, vegan diet eating, yoga-pants-wearing, green-algae-smoothie-slurping liberals fell for the Bush Ownership Society Scam hook, line, and retractable dog leash! They all ran out and bought houses so they could create organic gardens in the backyard and their three dogs had a place to crap besides the easement strip by the sidewalk.

Then, suddenly, when they tried to get out from under the house they paid $250,000 for, they discovered they could only get maybe $90,000 for it. They felt scammed. Huh. Took you that long to figure that out? Suddenly, all these people that badgered me about buying a house had these sheepish looks on their faces when they saw me. Not that they didn’t look sheepish before, mind you. Now they were whining about having bought a house that wasn’t Trump: The Art of the ... Donald J. Trump, Tony ... Best Price: $5.63 Buy New $8.22 (as of 10:41 UTC - Details) worth what they paid for it. Guess what, doofus? It wasn’t worth that WHEN you paid that for it! Again, if the idea was a place to live, what difference does it make what the value is? The easiest way to avoid paying too much for something is not to buy stuff that, gee, the government, and Wall Street are working overtime to convince you to buy.

So, my advice? Jack’s Rule Number One: Always Assume It’s A Scam. If it’s the government or a bank (same thing) telling you something, it’s a scam. Because why do they really care about you? I mean, you don’t really think a bank or the government cares about you, do you? So why would they be trying to help you get money, or give you money, or even helping you in any way? Don’t forget, this is the same government telling you freedom isn’t free and the same banks loaning/printing/conjuring/manifesting the government the money to buy the weapons to make freedom expensive. “Free money! Ask about our home loans!” A scam. “Terrorists are threatening our freedom!” A scam. “We live in the greatest nation on Earth!” A scam. Always assume it’s a scam and you can’t go wrong.