We keep hearing all this crap coming out of the Democrats about helping the middle class, and small businesses. Ok, yeah, I get it. They’re trying to appeal to the “common people”. As I’ve said before, I feel qualified to speak up about this because I exist far below the common people line, so to speak. Not that I need or want anything the Democrats, Republicans, or the entire government from city to federal have or claim they can offer me. I don’t want anything from them except to be left alone and taken off every mailing list and every other list they’ve got. But let me go into more detail about this whole thing since we’re on the subject of the common man.
Listen here, no one is entitled to this so-called “American Dream” or “American way of life”, okay? It’s not my duty to give it to you or you to me. For one thing, I don’t want it in the first place. I know the “American Dream” comes from bombing innocent people overseas because I look deep enough to see that nothing comes in from the United States government without taking it away from someone else. That’s the entire premise behind income taxes, am I correct? And they tell you that all of this deceptive illusion is bought and paid for in the blood of our children sent off to die in these wars and the blood of those we kill without justifiable reason. So, no, I don’t want any of it.
People think small businesses are what made America. Not really. What “made” America was herding Native American tribes into vast open-air concentration camps after wiping out any who resisted. Then bribing two major railroads to import labor from China and Ireland they didn’t mind losing while blasting tunnels and stringing a railroad to connect both ends of the nation to better accommodate government control over the whole. Am I right so far? No? Maybe people ought to see how far back the government was in bed with the banks and various corporations that “disappeared” but then arose, phoenix-like, from the ashes of the previous ones. Or, perhaps a better example would be to say they manifested again like a disease thought to be dormant.
But people think small businesses are all knights in shining armor, too. So much so, hey, we ought to give them government loans and all kinds of perks and benefits. Why? If they have a product people want, they’ll buy it. It is not my duty to work and pay taxes so you can get money from the government to open your business so I can come in and buy stuff, pay sales taxes, and continue this unwholesome cycle of dependency and financial parasitism. And, no, the “Big Business” people shouldn’t be allowed to do it, either. But just because they do it doesn’t mean you should be allowed to do it just because you’re the “little guy”. To be quite clear, I am not at all impressed with what passes for the “little guy” in this country. I see a bunch of whiners that think I ought to pay for them to open a fingernail art shop, or dog-washing salon, or an eyebrow threading boutique. Pay for it yourselves, or you don’t deserve to be in business. Sorry. No, actually, I’m not sorry.
Don’t get me started on the “middle class”. If you want to buy a house, then presuppose you have a job to support that financial decision. Let Papa Jack help you out here. If you work at a “family chain restaurant” slinging that overpriced slop they call “New American Cuisine”, guess what? You can’t afford to buy or own a house. Put that in your fried onion blossom and smoke it. As I have said here before, I don’t think everyone “deserves” to own a house, nor do I think most people are intelligent enough to foresee the problems with buying a $250,000 house on a $11.50 an hour wage. “Raise the minimum wage!” Why? So we can have more whiners that can’t manage that extra money and still getting in over their heads buying houses they couldn’t afford even on twice their salary?
The middle class, yeah, right. This is the segment of society that worked at various Cold War defense industries making nuclear weapons and B-52 bombers and cruise missiles deliver said weapons. Then their kids went out to no-nuke rallies and begged for an end to the Cold War. Finally, the Soviets went Chapter 11 and the Cold War ended. Now here’s those kids that went to the no-nuke rallies, and they got what they wanted, and they’re not happy with it. Now they’re whining and moaning about where the middle class disappeared to. Because they feel they didn’t get their share of the Doomsday Pie. Hey, people, you got to pick one of two things: Peace But No Middle-Class Jobs or, behind Curtain Number Two, Doomsday. You chose peace. Now shut up, grow up, and get over it. No one owes you a standard of living that was based upon the Nuclear War Standard (which truly replaced the Gold Standard.)
Right, let’s all vote Democrat because they love us, little guys, right? I mean, Hillary hasn’t driven a car in over, what, twenty years? She’s had a paid driver. I’ve got two paid drivers. They’re called a pair of boots. They’re paid in food I eat. But, sure, Hillary is one of us. People will suck this all up and think Hillary knows all about how far $2.38 can go to the supermarket. Hillary couldn’t budget her way into driving her own dang car, people! And this they call a choice?! I mean, if you can’t see the Democrats are playing the “little guy” for the suckers they are, then you’re wearing an arc welder’s mask and shooting muffs while watching their TV ads. They call Hillary the “lesser of two evils”. My only question is: Is it “Ms. Lesser Of Two Evils” or “Mrs. Lesser Of Two Evils”?
When you carefully consider the facts of exactly how this “great” nation manifested, you can see that it’s almost like the government began as a small malignancy and then metastasized into a full-blown cancerous tumor in the brain of the entire nation. People run around quoting what celebrities with drug addictions say about complex social problems there aren’t easy solutions for, nor government solutions as if these paragons of immorality actually had something constructive to say. Something to say besides: “Like, I think, like, you know, like, we should give free, like college, to all kids. Because, like, you can see, like, what college, has, you know, done for me. Like, you know, like, what I’m saying?”
It’s not that I’m cynical about our country, but I think it’s gone about as far as it can go without embarrassing ourselves any further by maintaining it. Our only saving grace is Western Europe does things equally as stupid. But since we created some of their governments in our image after World War Two, you can see why. Apples don’t fall far from the tree. And governments never wander far from the dung pile. People say, “If America is so bad, how come so many immigrants want to come here?” Often because of our military has destroyed their countries. Or they believe what American television presents as reality. Believe me, once they get here, they’re not that impressed. Call it buyer’s remorse.
You might say I tend to think American “culture”, so to speak, is based upon the whining wheel getting the grease. Or the government handouts. Pardon me, but have you taken an honest look at these days? We’ve got people that cannot go to the store without their dog as an emotional support animal. I saw this bumper sticker for a dog rescue place that said, “Who Rescued Who?” When we have a nation of people emotionally rescued by the evolutionary cul-de-sac of the wolf, we’ve got serious maturity problems in this country. And these people vote! You wonder how and why these people are getting elected? Go to your nearest strip mall and notice the dog-spa, and the dog biscuit bakery, and the place selling $150 manicures and it has a waiting list. If the manicure place took food stamps, the waiting list would be a year. Oops, too much truth for the American people?
What am I saying? I’m saying, hey, you might as well resign yourself to eight years of Hillary. Not that it matters, because the government probably uses these “presidents” as figureheads like corporations use fake, created people as “reviewers” on internet product review sites and blogs. Hillary is a created personality for the Democrats, just like Obama was. I think they’re already working on making the song “Hail To The Chief” more gender-inclusive. I think they’re going to call it “Hail To The Chief Person” or some dang thing. Ah, well, there is good news. Hillary can do one good thing for us: Hasten the collapse of the entire government.