The Day the Trump Bloodbath Began

Since watching Donald Trump’s speech to the NRA, I have concluded that he might beat Hillary the Horrible much worse than I originally predicted. I have long believed that Trump would win about 55-45, but I now think the margin of victory will be much greater than that (assuming she is his opponent).

Not only is Trump creating more excitement than any presidential candidate in my lifetime (far more than John F. Kennedy or Ronald Reagan), Hillary is on the wrong side of virtually every issue. I would say she’s a masochist, but the reality is that Obama probably has her by her transgender gonads.

Friday, her anti-gun record was highlighted by the response of the overflow crowd to Trump’s pro-Second Amendment remarks. But it’s not just gun control. It’s illegal immigration, sanctuary cities, throwing open the prison doors and setting violent criminals free, transgender bathrooms, the refusal to identify the psychopaths who are murdering innocent men, women, and children worldwide, ever tougher EPA regulations that are making it impossible for industries such as coal mining to survive … the list goes on and on.

I am increasingly convinced that the only voters Hillary can hope to attract are those in the hard-core radical-left camp and those whose information base hovers near zero. Women? Don’t worry about it. When all is said and done, Trump will get at least 50 percent of the female vote, possibly more. And he’ll increase his standing with Hispanics and blacks more than enough to coast to victory. We’re talking about a world-class winner facing off against a world-class feminist putz who is already gasping for air.

So just how big could Trump’s margin of victory be? Perhaps as much as 60-40. What ignorant pundits are not taking into consideration, in addition to Trump’s rapidly increasing popularity and Hillary’s rapidly decreasing popularity, is that millions of Democratic voters are either going to stay home or vote for Trump — especially Uncle Bernie’s supporters.

Of course, if things spin out of control with the FBI and BHO sends Biden in to pinch hit, the race will be much closer, but a lot would depend on when he gets in. As I pointed out in my last post, the longer it takes the FBI to make its case against the Crooked Cackler, the later Biden will get in and the harder it will be for him to garner support.

I believe the bloodbath officially began May 20, 2016, when the NRA endorsed Trump. Enough is enough. It really is time for Muttonhead Mitt and the pompous neocon crowd — Mark Levin, Bill Kristol, George Will, et al — to put away their handkerchiefs, suck it up, and accept the fact that their self-serving brand of “pure conservatism” has been rejected by the voters.

Today’s angry voters have no interest in getting a passing grade on someone else’s conservative purity test. They’re interested in pushing back against the loud, uncivilized, and often insane vermin who are intent on finishing the job of completely destroying America. You might say that today’s voters are naïve enough to actually want to make America great again.

And given that that is a multigenerational task, the sooner it starts, the better.

Reprinted with permission from