President Obama is spending the waning months of his administration with his grubby hands in an oddly appropriate place: the toilet. Apparently, the prez has an obsession with trans folk and bathrooms. Yes, the “men in the ladies’ room” issue, which I tackled last September, has not only not gone away, it’s now deemed a matter worthy of presidential action. Obama is on the can, and there he sits, brokenhearted because certain states have decided to keep biological men out of ladies-only bathrooms and locker rooms.
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Now, before I devote the second column to this issue, let’s get our terms straight. We’re not talking about “transgender people” being able to use a bathroom that corresponds to the sex of the person they’ve “transitioned” to. We’re not talking about Caitlyn Jenner or Christine Jorgensen. We’re talking about biological men being allowed to use women’s facilities based merely on the fact that they “believe” they’re a woman “on the inside.” The public associates the word “transgender” with people who have undergone some type of procedure, some type of transformation. That obfuscation is on purpose; let’s not play into it. We’re talking about belief, not a physical state. If a man claims to think he’s a woman, he must be treated as such. He can be 6 foot 5 with a lumberjack beard and a bulging pendulous dirlywanger, and yet he is magically a woman in the eyes of the law by virtue of his belief alone.
Honest LGBTs will admit the truth if pressed. And the press is exactly what I did to a friend of mine, an outspoken and unashamed trans woman named Jenna Dougherty who lives in San Francisco. Jenna was Josh when I first met him, and now she’s Jenna, and frankly, God bless her. She’s funny and smart and has as much right as anyone to live her life as she sees fit. She was a vocal critic of my previous column on this topic, and (I have to say) she
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defended herself well against a few less-than-civil outbursts from some of my social-media followers.
I asked her: “Sometimes people on the other side won’t address the main question a lot of conservatives have, which is—yes or no—if the entrance to a women’s bathroom is based upon something incorporeal, then that means any man can enter a women’s restroom if he wants. Correct?”
Her response: “My answer is yes.” She added, “I think personally we should have unisex bathrooms cause I never understood why they split it up by gender.”
So please, everyone, let’s at least be on the same page regarding what’s being debated: This is about biological men being able to enter facilities traditionally reserved for women. Be for it, be against it, but call it what it is.
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