The Clintons are criminals and this has nothing to do with any consensual oral sex that Bill had with Monica Lewinsky, martial infidelity or adultery. Like Bill Cosby, Bill Clinton is a sexual predator – and Hillary used Strong-arm tactics to run the cover-up. In fact Hillary is an accessory after the fact in all of Bill Clinton’s sex crimes.
Recently, Glen Kessler of the Washington Post published a so-called “Fact Checker” essay titled “A guide to the allegations of Bill Clinton’s womanizing.” May we suggest a more pointed topic? How about a guide to Bill Clinton’s violent sexual assaults and Hillary’s criminal terror campaigns to scare his victims into silence? You can get a rundown of all that in our The Clintons’ War on Women, which is 445 pages long and backed up with 586 footnotes and a bibliography of 157 books.
We have often said that Hillary Clinton has for decades enabled her husband’s dreadful abusive behavior by hiring an army of nasty private detectives (“secret police” in the words of former Clinton insider Dick Morris) who have used criminal intimidation tactics on Bill’s sex victims. The MSM and the prestige press – think CNN, the New York Times and Washington Post – do their fair share of ignoring, enabling, and excusing Bill and Hillary for their
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crimes, both sexual and terror tactics.
Recently Donald Trump had to correct CNN, which bent over backwards to state that it was mere “allegation” that Bill Clinton had an affair with Monica Lewinsky. CNN somehow overlooked the fact that both Bill Clinton and Lewinsky have admitted the affair in addition to the unfortunate fact that Bill despoiled her blue dress with his DNA.
Let’s take a look at the Washington Post‘s Glenn Kessler’s “guide” to Bill Clinton. Kessler mentions that Bill Clinton “flatly denied” that he raped Juanita Broaddrick in 1978 when she was a volunteer in his campaign. NBC and Lisa Meyers heavily vetted Juanita and thought she was highly credible when they ran their interview of her in February, 1999. Juanita told multiple people (Norma Kelsay, David Broaddrick, Phillip Yoakum) in 1978 that Clinton had violently raped her and nearly bit her upper lip off.[i] Former Clinton insider Larry Nichols was there when Hillary came running into the office in 1978 and said “You will never believe what the [mf Bill] did now, he tried to rape some bitch!” [ii] Kessler says there are inconsistencies in her “story”. There are none.
“Violent rapist” – that seems like a pretty good description of Bill Clinton. How about “serial rapist?” In 1999, Capitol Hill Blue published a critical investigation titled “Juanita isn’t the only one: Bill Clinton’s long history of sexual violence against women dates back some 30 years.”
Capitol Hill Blue interviewed Eileen Wellstone, who as a 19-year-old was raped by Bill Clinton at Oxford in 1969. A retired State Department employee said there was a cover-up of this crime because “we were under tremendous pressure to avoid embarrassment of having a Rhodes Scholar charged with rape.”[iii] So the CIA sent Bill Clinton off on his tour into Eastern Europe and Moscow (source: CIA Cord Meyer to his buddy Jack Wheeler).[iv] Sen. William Fulbright, who had pulled strings to get young Bill, a staffer, into Oxford, wanted the matter quietly closed as a State Department source told us at the time.
Another rape victim of Clinton’s was Miss America Liz Ward Gracen in 1983. Publicly Gracen has said this sex was consensual. Privately a tearful Gracen told her then best friend Judy Stokes that Bill Clinton had raped her. Notably Gracen told reporter Michael Isikoff then of Newsweek that Clinton had bit her, just as he had bit Juanita Broaddrick. Gracen said the sex was “unpleasant” and “rough” but “consensual only” after FOB and Clinton image-maker Harry Thomasson got Gracen a small acting job on a TV show. How did Kessler miss this?
In sum Bill Clinton raped Eileen Wellstone (1969), Juanita Broaddrick (1978), and the reigning Miss America Liz Ward Gracen (1983). On top of all that in 1979 Bill Clinton probably raped Hillary while they were on vacation in Bermuda when he told his friends “I’m going back to my cottage to rape my wife.”[v] Clinton’s friend later said that the next morning Clinton’s vacation cottage at the Horizons Hotel looked like WWIII had occurred there: busted furniture, etc.
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Roger Morris in his book Partners in Powers (p. 238) interviewed yet another victim of a violent sexual assault by Clinton. This anonymous and terrified woman, with her husband present, told Roger Morris that Clinton forced himself on her, biting and bruising her (1979-1980 time period).[vi] That is the third woman we know an unhinged, sex-crazed Bill Clinton has actually bitten.
Seasoned reporter Michael Isikoff interviewed yet another woman that Bill had attacked in 1996. She said that she rebuffed a very crude assault by Clinton and that after she refused him, “I think he finished the job himself.”[vii] We think that means sex sicko Bill Clinton masturbated until completion, “finishing the job,” after yet another failed rape.
Glenn Kessler lists Gennifer Flowers, who Clinton lied about, as a “consensual affair.” Flowers’s apartment was broken into multiple times and it was utterly ransacked in 1991, most likely by Clinton goons.[viii] Was that consensual, too? A home ransacking is a psychological rape and invasion of privacy of the first degree.
Glenn Kessler also lists Myra Bell “Sally” Miller as having a “consensual” affair with Clinton in 1983. In 1992, Sally had the back windshield of her Jeep smashed in and shotgun shells placed on her driver’s seat. So was that terror tactic “consensual?” Those are the precise tactics that Clinton operative Anthony Pellicano (who Hillary hired and is now parked in jail) was known for. Sally also got letters saying things like “Marilyn Monroe was snuffed” – which is a death threat.
The Washington Post’s Kessler also leaves out the Hillary-directed terror campaign that was directed on Kathleen Willey after she was scheduled to be deposed in the Paula Jones case. Clinton goons killed her cat Bullseye, nail-gunned her car tires in the whitewalls, mentioned her children Shannon and Patrick by name and sent a thug to terrify her while she was walking her dogs alone.[ix] The morning after her deposition in early 1998, an animal skull was artfully placed on her doorstep.
Hillary is the point person in the cover-up of Bill’s crimes against Women. It’s Hillary who calls them sluts and trash and hires heavy-handed private detectives to terrorize those women unlucky enough to have been assaulted by
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Bill Clinton. Hillary has degraded Bill’s victims as “trash,” “sluts,” “bimbos,” and “whores.” From her East Wing office she orchestrated the campaign to smear Monica Lewinsky, seduced by Bill, as “a nut and a slut.”
CNN’s Don Lemon shut off the microphone of a guest who dared raise the issue, claiming Bill’s actions are “irrelevant to Hillary.” On the contrary, Don, Hillary is an accessory after the fact in all of Clinton’s sex crimes.
[i] Roger Stone and Robert Morrow, Clintons’ War on Women, p. 51.
[ii] Roger Stone and Robert Morrow, Clintons’ War on Women, p. 51.
[iv] Jack Wheeler, “How the Clintons Will Undo McCain,” 2-4-2008
[v] Edward Klein, The Truth about Hillary, p. 90.
[vi] Roger Morris, Partners in Power, p. 238.
[vii] Michael Isikoff, Uncovering Clinton, p. 162.
[viii] Gennifer Flowers, Passion and Betrayal, pp. 95-98.
[ix] Roger Stone and Robert Morrow, The Clintons’ War on Women, p. 12.