In Buddhism, it is taught that things do not simply happen. Causes and conditions lead up to them: This is because that is, and that is because this is. Even something like a hurricane doesn’t just happen; a series of weather causes and conditions leads up to it. This is a universal truth. The Bible tells us that whatsoever a person sows, so shall he reap. And: A man does not pick figs from thistles.
Here we are, once again, beating the war drum here in America. As if France doesn’t have their own military to pursue a military solution to the attacks in Paris. We’re not asking the right questions when it comes to ISIS. The question right now is, “What do we do about them?” The question that needs to be asked is, “What are the causes and conditions that led up to ISIS?” No, I’m not getting into some moral relativist diatribe about how “one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter” because that’s actually what the United States government does. That is one of the causes and conditions that led up to ISIS.
People have forgotten, this all began with the idea that someone besides Bashar al-Assad needed to run Syria. What’s more, no one wanted to wait for that to happen naturally or as a matter of socio-political evolution. No, it was
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decided that Assad needed to go sooner rather than later. Whose idea was this? The United States government. To that end, the U.S. began arming and training paramilitary entities that became ISIS eventually. There are several causes and conditions right there in a nutshell.
The United States never asked, “Who is a better person than Assad to lead Syria?” In fact, there was no person that stood up and declared himself to be the Syrian Thomas Jefferson. And hadn’t the U.S. falsely imagined such Jeffersons capable of manifesting in places such as Afghanistan and Iraq? Therefore, there were no causes and conditions that could lead up to anything but senseless violence since there was, in fact, no actual goal towards a better government or even a popular person/figure to rally behind. There was no manifesto, no drafted constitution, no socio-political ideal other than the ideal the United States claimed of “freedom”. Yes, well, “freedom” is a big word. What did that mean in Syria? Anyone know? No one can answer that question because it was the United States saying that. To the groups that the U.S. backed, it was a free-for-all to see who would be the last man standing and become the new boss (worse than the old boss) but the new boss America liked. Until it didn’t, as happened with Saddam Hussein.
So, if we’re going to go to war in Syria, what causes and conditions are coming into play? One only needs to look at what happened to Afghanistan and Iraq. Precariously propped up regimes built on a house of cards (actually, built upon a house of U.S. dollar bills) that is only a hop, skip, and a suicide bombing away from a coup d’état to install a guy that’ll make the Ayatollah Khomeini look like a hippie. People fail to understand that the United States cannot
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and will not ever “win” such a war no matter how many chairborne rangers mindlessly chant “USA, USA, USA!!” for a war they won’t have to go fight themselves. In fact, that mantra—USA, USA, USA!!!—is just the mantra of the cult of patriotism; the most dangerous religion on the planet. So far, Islamic suicide bombers are not capable of taking the entire planet with them. The United States government can, because we still have the biggest arsenal of nuclear weapons on the planet. Put that into your missile silo and smoke it. So to speak.
Syria is the latest installment in the Quagmire-Of-The-Month Club—-collect them all! I think a major ground war is already on the way, with the expensive shipping and handling fees attached. Again, there is no way to win a war in Syria, not the way the United States wants to “win” it. The causes and conditions created by a U.S. war in Syria are already in play and have been since we began arming terrorists. Those chickens will continue coming home to roost for quite some time. But let the U.S. go in there and decide it needed to occupy that country, er, excuse me, build a democracy over there. That insurgency born from resistance to the U.S. occupation will become an even bigger terrorist magnet than ISIS. The West will look back with fondness on the days they only had ISIS to deal with, rather than probably five to ten other highly-organized irregular armies. And all of them capable of crossing into Western nations undetected by Western dumb-giant intelligence agencies.
The U.S. created an irregular army that was capable of defeating Syria’s modern professional army in battle. Oops, guess what? It was also capable of defeating Iraq’s army. The U.S. doesn’t realize that the ambitions of a group
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such as ISIS do not become immediately obvious. Nor do they advertise who they are. The U.S. thought it could manipulate the irregulars that became ISIS. In turn, the U.S. itself got manipulated. The U.S. then thought it could use ISIS anyway and after Assad was gone, get rid of ISIS with a few airstrikes. However, this turned out like the guy that gets a baby alligator as a pet. Before he knows it, it’s gotten huge and one day, eats his poodle. So he dumps it into a local pond and imagines he’s done. It gets bigger and bigger, preying on various animals in the pond. One day, the guy forgets he put the alligator there and goes for a midnight swim in the pond and ends up as a snack. When you do business with predators, see, they will always end up biting you in the keester one day.
That’s the gist of the tale. The U.S. engaged in business with predators in Syria. They were hunting Assad with the goal of taking Syria as their own territory. Classic predator action. They even marked their territory and the U.S. failed to read that. Therefore, if you are creating this pack of predators, what makes you think you can control them? These are velociraptors on tweek. These are causes and conditions that lead up to—what? Those predators deciding to attack you also. Oh, they can’t win? Guess again. They can slog along a quagmire for over a decade, with tremendous casualties all along the way. But the West? As soon as the West loses about a thousand soldiers, the people that chanted “USA, USA, USA!” will start breaking out all those anti-war slogans from the Sixties. Never underestimate predators. If any of these clowns had ever observed predators in the wild, they’d have never, ever, backed these Syrian “moderates” of a few years ago that we now call ISIS. They’d have gone home and never, ever, hiked that canyon again where those mountain lion tracks were spotted.
There you have it. Nothing will happen but more chaos, more senseless violence, and more futile military action until we address the causes and conditions that lead up to things such as ISIS. And what is the primary cause and condition? United States foreign policy.