I’m about to witness my 61st “Independence Day” in the US Collective. And all I see forthcoming is still another celebration of failure, still another empty gesture from clueless citizen/slaves who have no independence.
The supposed “independence” noted and celebrated is recorded in the document known as The Declaration of Independence. Those enslaved by a king at that time, declared themselves subjects instead to some, as yet, undefined government master (later to be defined as a “republic”). The document rails about such worthy goals as equality among men, inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and government operating only at the consent of the governed.
But when present day loyalists view their present day reality through their star spangled eyes, do they see the ultimate achievement of these documented goals?
Once the hot dogs and beer are digested and the fireworks smoke clears, what do they have? Freedom? Independence? Liberty? Quite the contrary.
What they in reality have is a multi-century, linear regression from a declaration of the sanctity of the natural rights of man and the glory of individualism to an annual affirmation of conformity, unquestioned loyalty, collective obedience, and the glorification of human sacrifice when committed in the name of the king.
And not the old king, but the new one.
What in reality they have is the unfortunate opportunity to witness a spectacular, historical failure. The institution created and charged with protecting those declared, natural rights has instead morphed into the greatest threat toward their weakening and eventual abolition. Words on parchment outlining law, custom and structure regarding such an institution have been proven impotent to restrain the growth of a predator so large and menacing, that it not only threatens complete evisceration of individual wealth and liberties within its declared territory, but also the lives, wealth, property, and security of people throughout the world.
Seeing that that such a large, powerful and centralized political structure is not only inadequate, but inherently dangerous toward the stated goal of preserving liberty, aware individuals can only view celebrating such a structure as utterly senseless.
Perhaps a new way to celebrate Independence Day is to shift the focus of collective independence to individual independence. The idea that claiming a collective independence will protect our inalienable liberties seems to have failed. How about a more individually oriented, decentralized approach- all based on the sanctity of individual sovereignty and the truth that no man is born another man’s subject or slave?
Claim true independence by withdrawing your consent and allegiance to a criminal regime posing as a benevolent master. Separate yourself mentally and emotionally from the death cult that values human sacrifice for the collective over the life giving accomplishments of free living individuals.
And why stop there? Why not expand the scope from a localized effort to reassert our rights as freeborn sovereigns to a worldwide campaign of individual empowerment and liberation?
Instead of foolishly celebrating a past independence from one king, just to become enslaved by another, let’s actively declare and celebrate an independence to all present day state masters.