Conservative, evangelical, and fundamentalist Christians are outraged at the Supreme Court decision in favor of the government recognizing same-sex marriage in the case of Obergefell v. Hodges.
They are outraged that the Supreme Court redefined marriage. They are outraged that there will now be pressure put on ministers to marry same-sex couples. They are outraged that the homosexual lobby has won another victory. They are outraged that two Supreme Court justices didn’t recuse themselves since they performed same-sex weddings before hearing the case. They are outraged that the legalization of marriages between three or more people will certainly be the next constitutional right discovered by the High Court. They are outraged more and more same-sex couples will be raising children. They are outraged at the new LGBT anti-discrimination laws that will be forthcoming. They are outraged that the more homosexuals gain their rights, the more they lose theirs.
I share their outrage.
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But I have heard some ridiculous things from some of these Christians about God judging America—as if America wasn’t already the abortion, pornography, drug, sodomy, out-of-wedlock births, and incarceration capital of the world—and about not obeying an unjust law—as if the Supreme Court case had anything to do with any law that all Americans now have to obey.
If Christians want to resist the Court’s decision, they can choose to:
- Not marry someone of the same sex
- Not officiate a same-sex wedding
- Not encourage same-sex couples to marry
- Not congratulate a same-sex couple on their engagement
- Not attend a same-sex wedding
- Not send a gift to a same-sex couple who just got married
- Not recognize a same-sex wedding
- Not associate with a same-sex couple
And at the same time, they can try to:
- Persuade others to not do any of the above
- Persuade same-sex couples to break up
- Persuade homosexuals not to marry
- Persuade homosexuals to be heterosexuals
- Persuade heterosexuals not to become homosexuals
- Persuade homosexuals not to have or adopt children
- Persuade lawmakers not to pass LGBT anti-discrimination laws
- Persuade homosexuals to go back into the closet
Persuasion, not legislation. Persuasion, not legal action. Persuasion, not threats. Persuasion, not coercion. Persuasion, not compulsion. Persuasion, not violence.
But before the outraged conservative, evangelical, and fundamentalist Christians pray for God’s judgment on the five Supreme Court justices who legalized same-sex marriage nationwide, perhaps they ought to look in the mirror.
Where is the outrage over the unjust war in Iraq?
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Where is the outrage over the unjust war in Afghanistan?
Where is the outrage over the trillions of taxpayer dollars wasted on these wars?
Where is the outrage over the reckless, belligerent, and meddling U.S. foreign policy?
Where is the outrage over the thousands of U.S. troops who died for a lie in Iraq?
Where is the outrage over the thousands of U.S. troops who died in vain in Afghanistan?
Where is the outrage over the hundreds of U.S. foreign military bases?
Where is the outrage over the hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops stationed overseas?
Where is the outrage over the network of brothels that exists around U.S. foreign military bases?
Where is the outrage over the warmongers in the Republican Party?
Where is the outrage over the warmongers in the conservative movement?
Where is the outrage over U.S. drone attacks that kill civilians?
Where is the outrage over the bloated defense budget?
Where is the outrage over the U.S. military being used for offense instead of defense?
Where is the outrage over CIA secret prisons?
Where is the outrage over the national security state?
Where is the outrage over the senseless maiming of U.S. troops fighting in unnecessary wars?
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Where is the outrage over the United States fighting foreign wars?
Where is the outrage over the billions of taxpayers dollars given to corrupt foreign regimes?
Where is the outrage over the U.S. military being a global force for evil?
Where is the outrage over veterans being made into gods?
Where is the outrage over the millions of victims of U.S. aggression in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan?
Where is the outrage over all U.S. soldiers being called heroes?
Where is the outrage over the U.S. military invading other countries?
Where is the outrage over the U.S. military occupying other countries?
Where is the outrage over the glorification of the American Sniper Chris Kyle?
Where is the outrage over soldiers bombing, maiming, and killing under the flag of the United States?
Where is the outrage over filthy military cadences?
Where is the outrage over all of the sexual assaults that occur in the U.S. military?
Where is the outrage over the pregnancies that occur on U.S. Navy ships?
Where is the outrage over the thousands of homosexuals in the U.S. military?
Where is the outrage over the thousands of transgenders in the U.S. military?
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Where is the outrage over U.S. troops functioning as the president’s personal attack force?
Where is the outrage over just war theory being used to justify war?
Where is the outrage over the lies of the U.S. government?
Where is the outrage over the torture committed by agents of the United States?
I’ll tell you where the outrage is. It doesn’t exist. Conservative, evangelical, and fundamentalist Christians have plenty of things that they should be outraged about. Yet, they are limiting their outrage to the government recognizing same-sex marriage while ignoring other actions of their government. It is their support for the government’s military, empire, and wars that is more outrageous than an evil government recognizing same-sex marriage.