The narrative regarding Ukraine is repeated, counter to all facts – or in the face of lack of facts. I know I am not breaking news here; however I think it is worth a simple exercise of examining a single story, from The Globe and Mail:
Since Russia’s annexation of Crimea last March, the European Union, Canada and the United States have sought to maintain a united front aimed at pressuring the Kremlin to reverse course in Ukraine.
Since Crimea’s vote for secession from Ukraine last March, the United States has blackmailed the European Union into maintaining a united front aimed at pressuring the Kremlin to reverse course in Ukraine. Canada, as the 52nd state, has tagged along.
Now, with the pro-Russian rebels again on the advance in the east…
Now, with the anti-Kiev freedom fighters again on the advance in the east…
The United States, meanwhile, is considering arming the Ukrainian army in apparent anticipation of a longer and bloodier conflict.
The United States, meanwhile, is considering arming the Ukrainian army in its desire for a longer and bloodier conflict.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President François Hollande flew to Kiev on Thursday and will continue on to Moscow Friday for a meeting with Mr. Putin, hoping to get him to agree to a new peace plan…
German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President François Hollande flew to Kiev on Thursday and will continue on to Moscow Friday for a meeting with Mr. Putin to let him know they thought the Americans were crazy, but their hands were essentially tied.
While Ms. Merkel and Mr. Hollande are scrambling to try and make peace, U.S. President Barack Obama is said to now be considering providing the Ukrainian army with weapons such as anti-tank missiles, battlefield radars and reconnaissance drones to combat the Russian-backed insurgency.
No change – the Europeans want peace, the Americans want war. An accurate statement buried in the narrative.
Mr. Kerry said the United States wasn’t interested in escalating the conflict. “We have no illusions that there is a military solution,” he said. But, he added, “you cannot have a one-sided peace.”
Mr. Kerry said the United States was interested in escalating the conflict. “We have no illusions that there is a military solution for Russia, although there is for us” he said. He added, “you cannot have a one-sided peace. We can, but you can’t.”
Reprinted with permission from Bionic Mosquito.