As Globalists Centralize, Secession Fever Grows Worldwide

Much has been written about the ongoing efforts by globalists and the international establishment to centralize political and economic power. From the European Union, the African Union, and the Union of South American States all the way to the United Nations, would-be transnational authorities are fervently seeking to consolidate and expand their power over increasingly large swaths of humanity. At the same time, though, with citizens becoming increasingly weary of being ruled by far-away, unaccountable forces, secession movements around the world are exploding.

Nowhere are independence movements more numerous and more vocal at the moment than in Europe. As the emerging Brussels-based super-state seeks to finalize its smashing of national sovereignty and self-government [amazon asin=1932595309&template=*lrc ad (left)]across the bloc, whole nations are increasingly in open revolt. In the United Kingdom, for example — itself facing the increasingly likely prospect of Scottish secession — polls show the public is ready to peacefully extricate the nation from the EU as soon as possible. The political class has done its best to contain the anti-EU fervor, but to little avail.

“In much of the world, small countries are hoping to retain their independence, whilst portions of larger countries are trying to establish their independence,” wrote economist Jeff Thomas in International Man, a finance-oriented publication. “Understandably, they’re meeting with resistance, as it’s usually the areas that are the net-contributors to the larger economy that seek independence, whilst the areas that are the net-recipients wish to [amazon asin=0802843301&template=*lrc ad (right)]take the conglomerate approach (and to continue to eat their neighbor’s lunch).”

Moves to break away from central governments, Thomas continued, are “invariably a bottom-up effort — created by the people.” Efforts to create “a conglomerate state,” on the other hand, tend to be “top-down — created by the political class,” he said, adding that while in the past that was often done through warfare, today, it often happens via treaties. “Political leaders invariably have an insatiable appetite for gobbling up as much real estate as possible,” Thomas observed.

Indeed, across Europe, which has been united into a pseudo-federation via treaties and agreements imposed on the public from the top down, political parties openly hoping to withdraw from the controversial union are [amazon asin=1589809572&template=*lrc ad (left)]increasingly leading in the polls. In France, the anti-EU National Front has been surging, most recently shocking the political establishment with its massive gains in local elections this month.

Based on surveys, the pro-sovereignty Dutch Freedom Party, meanwhile, appears set to dominate the upcoming elections to the European Parliament. Both of those parties, along with others from across Europe, are now working together to form an anti-EU alliance in the super-state’s pseudo-legislature. The end goal: restore liberty, self-government, and national sovereignty in the face of an increasingly hostile entity in Brussels.

At the same time, national governments across much of Europe — especially in the economically battered south — are also facing secession movements that are threatening to rip apart nations. In Spain, for example, the Basque region has long been seeking independence. More recently, separatist sentiment across the Catalan region has become increasingly widespread as well, with millions of Catalonian citizens flooding into Barcelona to demand their own nation. Spanish authorities are currently resisting growing public pressure for a referendum on independence in the region, but it is not yet clear that it can be contained forever.

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