According to the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921, the president must annually submit a proposed budget to Congress for the next fiscal year by the first Monday in February. Although he was late, as usual, President Obama did submit his budget proposal on March 4. But because Republicans control the House of Representatives, and politics controls everything, the president’s budget was, of course, dead on arrival. Although there is no reason why Republicans should object to Obama’s budget, they have now introduced their own.
Like last year, the rotten Ryan Republican budget is called “The Path to Prosperity.” And like last year, it is path toward, and a blueprint for, the welfare/warfare state.
In fact, everything I said last year about the previous rotten Ryan Republican budget can be applied to this year’s version of the rotten Ryan Republican budget. The six problems I pointed out were:[amazon asin=0982369786&template=*lrc ad (right)]
- One, it is too big.
- Two, it is not balanced.
- Three, it increases spending every year.
- Four, it increases the national debt every year.
- Five, it is filled with unconstitutional spending.
- And six, almost everything House Republicans say about their budget is a lie.
The only things that have changed are the spending and debt figures—they are all higher.
The rotten Ryan Republican budget proposes that the federal government spend $3.664 trillion during the next fiscal year (2015), which begins on October 1, 2014, increasing to $4.995 trillion in fiscal year 2024. The rotten [amazon asin=098236976X&template=*lrc ad (right)]Ryan Republican budget allows for a federal debt of $18.304 trillion in fiscal year 2015, increasing to $21.089 trillion in fiscal year 2024. Interest payments on this debt are projected to be $267 billion in fiscal year 2015, increasing to $659 billion in 2024. Defense spending, most of which is offense, interventionist, or empire spending, is to be $521 billion in fiscal year 2015, increasing to $696 billion in fiscal year 2024. The rotten Ryan Republican budget doesn’t achieve balance until 2024.
But in addition to being a blueprint for the warfare state, the rotten Ryan Republican budget is a blueprint for the welfare state. But don’t take my word for it. In “Setting the Record Straight” about the budget, we read:
On the current path, the federal government will spend roughly $48 trillion over the next ten years. By contrast, this budget will spend nearly $43 trillion.
On the current path, from fiscal year 2015 to 2024, spending will grow, on average, by 5.2 percent a year. Under our budget, spending grow, on average, by 3.5 percent a year.
The House Republican budget strengthens the safety net. Under this plan, spending continues to grow, but states have more flexibility to tailor government programs to their people’s needs.
House Republicans have a long-term solution to protect and strengthen Medicare.[amazon asin=0982369751&template=*lrc ad (right)]
Under our budget, we still spend $600 billion on food stamps over the next decade. We will spend more than $3 trillion on Medicaid.
House Republicans plan to repair the safety net. Spending on these programs would continue to grow, but states would have greater flexibility to tailor them to their people’s needs.
It proposes better ways to provided housing, nutrition, and job-training assistance to families in need.
The budget increases spending on Medicaid over the next ten years, from $357 billion in fiscal year 2015 to $403 billion in fiscal year 2024.
This budget allocates an additional $410 million to veterans programs.
The proposed reforms ensure that we maintain the current maximum Pell award ($5,730) throughout each of the next ten years.[amazon asin=0962889873&template=*lrc ad (right)]
There is nothing in this budget that cuts Social Security.
Every argument Republicans make for the rotten Ryan Republican budget can be reduced to simply this: It is not as bad as Obama’s budget.
Twelve heroic Republicans voted against this rotten Ryan Republican budget (H.CON.RES.96): Paul Broun (GA), Rick Crawford (AR), Chris Gibson (NY), Phil Gingrey (GA), Ralph Hall (TX), David Jolly (FL), Walter Jones (NC), Jack Kingston (GA), Frank LoBiondo (NJ), Tom Massie (KY), David McKinley (WV), and Austin Scott (GA).
I was disappointed to see that conservatives such as Michele Bachmann (MN), John Duncan (TN), Ted Yoho (FL), Randy Forbes (VR), Joe Heck (NV), and David Schweikert (AZ) voted for the rotten Ryan Republican budget. Especially since Forbes and Heck voted against it last year. And what in the world is the “libertarian” Justin Amash doing voting in favor of this rotten Ryan Republican budget?
So, what is the lesson here?[amazon asin=0976344815&template=*lrc ad (right)]
Republicans are welfare/warfare statists. They want to confiscate trillions of dollars from the American people and redistribute it in the form of government contracts or welfare. Then they want to increase every year what they take and what they spend. They want to further run up the national debt. They want to spend money on thousands of departments, agencies, grants, and programs that are not warranted by the Constitution. And they want to do all of this while proclaiming their fiscal conservatism, reverence for the Constitution, desire to cut spending, commitment to the free market, and belief in limited government. They are crooks and liars—just like the Democrats.
When will conservative Americans stop believing the lie that Republicans are better than Democrats or not as bad as Democrats? When will conservative Americans stop believing the lie that Republicans are the party that more closely follows the Constitution? When will conservative Americans stop believing the lie that that they should vote Republican, and that a vote not for a Republican is a wasted vote? When will conservative Americans stop believing the lie that Republicans can fix the economy? When will conservative Americans stop believing the lie that Republicans have a path to prosperity? When will conservative Americans stop believing the lie that Republicans would ever balance the budget? When will conservative Americans stop believing the lie that Republicans actually believe in medical freedom just because they say they want to repeal Obamacare? When will conservative Americans stop believing the lie that Republicans want to cut government? When will conservative Americans stop believing the lie that the Republicans Party is God’s Own Party?[amazon asin=0982369727&template=*lrc ad (right)]
The Republican Party is pure evil (just like the Democratic Party). It is truly the party of Lincoln. It cannot be reformed. It cannot be taken over. It cannot be turned around. It cannot be made libertarian. It cannot be restored. It cannot be returned to its roots. (Why would anyone want to return it to its roots anyway?) It should be abandoned like a ship on fire that is sinking. There are no real differences between the Republican and Democratic Parties when it comes to foreign policy, the size and scope of government, the Constitution, individual liberty, private property, or the free market.
The only limited government Republicans desire is a government limited to one controlled by Republicans.
Paul Ryan maintains in the introduction to his budget that “Washington owes the American people a responsible, balanced budget.” Agreed. But the rotten Ryan Republican budget is certainly not it.