30 Lectures that Will Help You to Become a More Knowledgeable Libertarian

One of the most popular posts, ever, at EPJ is The 30 Day Reading List that will Lead You to Becoming a Knowledgeable Libertarian. It has recently occurred to me that, thanks largely to the Mises Institute, there are many, many videos and audio tapes that can help in educating the student of liberty. Here are my top selections:

1. The State Is Too Dangerous to Tolerate by Robert Higgs

2. Banking and the Business Cycle by Murray Rothbard

3.The Myth of National Defense by Hans-Hermann Hoppe

4. Everything You Love You Owe to Capitalism by Lew Rockwell

5. The Austrians on Fascism: Hayek, Mises, and Roepke by David Gordon

6. The U.S. of Totalitarianism -Lew Rockwell interviews Doug Casey

7. The Privatization of Roads and Highways by Walter Block

8. The World at War by Ralph Raico

9. Economic Reasoning: The Most Common Fallacies by David Gordon

10.  Marxist and Austrian Class Analysis by Hans-Hermann Hoppe

11. Economics of Risk and Insurance  by Hans-Hermann Hoppe

12. The Role of Freedom in Economic Well Being: A Look at Evidence by Walter Block

13. 2+2 = 4 by Robert Wenzel

14. The Mises and Hayek Critiques of Modern Political State by Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn

15. Murray N. Rothbard: Go Thou and Do Likewise by Gary North

16. Inflation During the Civil War by Mark Thornton

17. Chicago Economics v. Austrian Economics by Murray Rothbard

18. Weaponized Keynesians -Lew Rockwell interviews Joe Salerno

19. Death by Politician by Yuri Maltsev

20. America’s Slow-Motion Fascist Coup -Lew Rockwell interviews Naomi Wolf

21. Lost Treasures in ‘Human Action’ by  Hans-Hermann Hoppe

22. Public Service Is an Ignoble Calling by Robert Higgs

23.The Meaning of Ludwig von Mises by Murray Rothbard

24. The Fed and the Power Eilte by Murray Rothbard

25. How Empires Bamboozle the Bourgeoisie by Lew Rockwell

26. Keynes and His Influence by Gary North

27. Time Preference, Capital, Technology, and Economic Growth by  Hans-Hermann Hoppe

28. Political Entrepreneurship and the Economics of Wealth Destruction by Thomas J. DiLorenzo

29. Did Keynesian Economics Win the Battle of Ideas? by Peter G. Klein

30. Mr. Libertarian, Murray N. Rothbard  by Jeff Riggenbach

For day31: The Good Life of Murray N. Rothbard  by JoAnn Rothbard

Reprinted with permission from Economic Policy Journal.