Yeast overgrowth is rampant in America. It begins with an intestinal flora imbalance that results in yeast overgrowth that goes systemic. Please note that this means you do not have to be female to have this – men have it too.
Common symptoms of yeast overgrowth include gas and bloating, indigestion or heartburn, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, sugar/carbohydrate cravings, blood sugar swings, food sensitivities, sensitivities to smells, insomnia, prostatitis, PMS, endometriosis, urinary tract infections, headaches, allergies, eczema, rashes, skin tags, weak and pealing fingernails, memory loss, arthritis, eye problems, sinusitis, thick & ropy saliva, coated tongue, and fungal infections such as athletes foot and fingernail/toenail infections.
[amazon asin=B000GWLGFK&template=*lrc ad (left)]Getting rid of yeast/fungus is one of the first steps to take in rebalancing the body so it can heal itself. One of the main problems with yeast overgrowth is that it makes everything that is out of balance worse – this goes for headaches, allergies, arthritis, skin conditions, cholesterol, etc. Yeast/fungus limits our ability to digest and use our nutrients. It limits our ability to manufacture B vitamins (look back at my previous article on B vitamin deficiency) and also our ability to convert beta carotene to vitamin A.
When someone has yeast overgrowth, their blood will have small green chunks of fungus in it. Yuck! They will crave carbohydrates and complain of having no energy and they will just not feel well.
Yeast/fungus is so prevalent – it is the first condition I recommend addressing as the body just can’t overcome this kind of imbalance and it will only get worse – no matter how many supplements or medications you take.[amazon asin=B002QP9FAS&template=*lrc ad (right)]
Yeast overgrowth is common in children who are hyper, have attention problems, stomach aches, bed wetting, skin rashes, asthma and allergies. This translates to adults with similar problems including the same symptoms children have, but instead of bed wetting, the issue turns into frequent urinary tract infections. Adults will also have more headaches with yeast/fungus. Almost every autoimmune conditions has yeast overgrowth as a component.
The point I am making is that systemic yeast is a big problem. If you have it, work on getting your body back into balance naturally.
Getting rid of yeast overgrowth involves herbal supplements, dietary changes, elimination (if possible) of immunosuppressive drugs and antibiotics, rebalancing and strengthening the immune system, and repopulating the intestines with the appropriate bacterial [amazon asin=B0040LFUA0&template=*lrc ad (left)]balance.
Natural products that eliminate yeast are caprylic acid, oregano, grapefruit seed extract, garlic, olive leaf, pau d’arco and cellulase. Most of the natural products are taken in stages. The first stage involves killing the yeast. The second stage involves repopulating the body with appropriate beneficial bacteria by using probiotics.
Both stages need to be supported by an appropriate diet that eliminates foods that feed the yeast. Foods that easily convert to sugar or are high in natural sugar such as fruit, fruit juices, refined grains and products made from refined grains, dairy products, alcohol, and sweets should be eliminated. Other foods that should be eliminated are foods with natural molds such as peanuts and peanut butter, vinegar, and mushrooms. You can search the internet for yeast diets if you want more specifics.
The ease of eliminating yeast overgrowth many times depends on the length of time the body has been out of balance. If yeast overgrowth recurs after such a program, the immune system most likely needs to be supported or an ongoing maintenance program may be necessary.