Al Sharpton, et al. convicted George Zimmerman. The MSM, with NBC leading the way, also convicted Zimmerman. Fortunately, the U.S. is a country of law, so a trial by jury was held. Still, “race baiters” nearly got Zimmerman convicted. To say that Al Sharpton (and the MSM) is trying to keep the George Zimmerman acquittal verdict alive would be quite an understatement.
So, to make Al Sharpton and the MSM appear foolish (not at all difficult to do), to illustrate that they have a double standard, to show that “face time” and ratings and money are their primary motivating factors, consider the Roderick Scott-Christopher Cervini case from 2008-9. Never heard of that case? Well, I’m not surprised. The case did not make national headlines because it was not loudly trumpeted by Al Sharpton, or the MSM, or any other race baiter.
Yet the case was eerily similar to the Zimmerman-Martin case. Race was present, death was present, a call to 911 was present, the person killed didn’t have a gun, the parents of the dead person said that justice was not served. All the factors attractive to Sharpton were present. Still, he declined to bring it forward. Why not?
Did I mention that Roderick Scott is black, and that Christopher Cervini was white? Could that be the reason Sharpton or the MSM didn’t emphasize it? Could the fact that the Scott-Cervini case didn’t fit the Sharpton/MSM template be the reason? Said very sarcastically, “Naaaah! Couldn’t be the reason. Sharpton (and the MSM) just wants justice.”
Roderick Scott “…testified that on the morning of the fatal encounter he observed Cervini and two other youths breaking into a neighbor’s vehicle. Scott says he ordered the suspects to freeze and wait for the arrival of the police. He insists that he opened fire on Cervini only when the teen ‘charged’ him and was screaming that he was going to get Scott.”
Scott was acquitted.
Where were, in 2009, all the verdict protests, the revenge beating of a lone black by a white gang, the stopping of a black family trying to get a little girl to the hospital, the cries of “No Justice, No Peace,” the 100 city rallies, a call for a “National Day of Action, calls for the Department of Justice to look into civil rights violations of Cervini, or white parents leading verdict protests?
When did Sharpton et al. protest that Scott was acquitted, that justice for Cervini be attained?
Did I somehow miss all that?