“I saw men, women and children die during that time. I never thought I would kill that many people. In fact, I thought I couldn’t kill anyone at all.” – Former US drone operator Brandon Bryant
(SAN BLAS, Mexico) – A little after 10:00 p.m., and a serial killer is getting ready to make his move. He has watched and waited for this moment for some time.
He watches his victim get out of a cab and dig in his pockets for money. Two of his children run out to the porch to greet their daddy. The killer presses a button and watches as the victim, the taxi driver and the two children are vaporized. Other people in the house, the man’s wife, parents and three other children are badly injured and burnt by the high explosive.
The house next door partially collapses, killing an elderly woman and injuring her grandson. But this is just the beginning.
Neighbors and emergency personnel arrive and begin trying to help the victims. There is chaos…children screaming, people wailing and the cries of the burnt and injured. Several people are trapped under rubble.
When enough people have gathered, the killer presses the button again. Fifteen seconds later, all those at the scene are vaporized or blown to shreds. The killer high-fives his partner. In two hours he will be off work! They are planning on driving in to Las Vegas, have some cocktails maybe pick up some girls.
On the other side of the world, at the crime scene, the misery, grief and suffering is just beginning. The gathering and grouping of body parts, the burials, the amputations and lifetime medical traumas, the traumatized children, the destroyed lives. But tonight in Vegas, it is party party party for this 22-year old serial killer from Creech Air Force Base in Nevada, some 7550 miles away from the carnage. The biggest threat he will face tonight is a hangover tomorrow.
He is a drone “pilot”. He and his kind have redefined the words “coward”, “terrorist”, and “sociopath”. He is the new face of American warfare. He is a government trained and equipped serial killer. But unlike Ted Bundy or John Gacy, he does not have to worry about getting caught. It is his job.
One thing that the drone terrorism/assassination program has revealed to the world is how racist we Americans are. American life is precious… when Americans die we expect the entire world to weep at our feet along with us. Three Americans die in a senseless act of violence and murder at the Boston Marathon, and the entire country grieves and the president makes heartfelt speeches. Where were all the speeches and expressions of grief when the US bombed the school in Chenagai, Afghanistan? Didn’t hear about that senseless act of violence and murder? Of course not.
This is from the UK newspaper The Tribune.
“It is one of the worst incidents of the entire drones campaign, yet one of the least reported.
A CIA strike on a madrassa or religious school in 2006 killed up to 69 children, among 80 civilians.
The attack was on a religious seminary in Chenegai, in Bajaur Agency.CIA drones attacked on October 30, flattening much of the school. Their target was reportedly the headmaster, a known militant. But dozens of children were also killed, the youngest aged seven.” (see:http://tribune.com.pk/story/
Wow. So the CI next decides that the teacher of this school needs to be killed. They do not kill him on his way to school, or when he is alone. They wait until he is at the school full of children, THEN they send the missiles.
They PURPOSELY wait until they can kill dozens of children too. Could Satan himself top this act of pure evil? If there is a
Hell, there is a special place for the murdering, drug running, child killers known as the CIA. Hitler’s SS were Cub Scouts in comparison.
When the CIA decided that they wanted to kill a 16-year old American kid named Abdulrahman Anwar al-Awlaki, they waited until he was in a Yemeni restaurant with two of his teenaged friends. A drone operator fired the missiles and not only the intended victim, but eight other people died.
This is from Wikipedia:
“Abdulrahman Anwar al-Awlaki was a 16-year-old American citizen who was killed while eating dinner at an outdoor restaurant in an airstrike by an armed C.I.A. drone in Yemen on October 14, 2011. The attack also killed two of his teenaged friends and five other people in the restaurant, which was reduced to rubble. He had no connection to terrorism and was searching for his father Anwar al-Awlaki, who was killed by an airstrike by an armed C.I.A. drone two weeks prior to the death of his son.”
By the way, Obama approved that strike, according to the New York Times. Tough guy. A real leader. Child killer.
Would that ever happen in the US?
Say if a non-government sanctioned serial killer like Jeffery Dahmler was in a Burger King, would the police or FBI blow up the entire restaurant and kill everyone else inside to get him ? If a really bad guy…robber, rapist, murderer was found to be in his house some night with his wife and four small children, would the police blow up the entire house and everyone in it to get the bad guy? Would the CIA bomb a school full of children in Colorado (where the 16-year-old was from) to kill ONE teacher? No, because we value AMERICAN life.
Our damned military and the ghouls who give them their orders are rapidly changing for the worst, how we are perceived in the world. We are murderous, racist thugs, killers of children, bombers of weddings and funerals. The “logic” given for bombing weddings and funerals is that there might be someone attending that they want to take out. So, our Nobel Peace Prize winning president and the serial killers he employs just kill as many people as possible.
If they were at the wedding of someone who might be related to someone possibly involved with trying to get the foreign invaders out of their country, well they were probably “terrorists”, and the children would probably grow up to be terrorists, so kill em all.
This is racism at it’s most extreme. We can kill them like mice because they are not like us. We lie, invade, destroy, kill and then we call THEM”savages”. WE are the most brutal, arrogant and sociopath society this earth has ever seen. We criticize the Jews for calling themselves the Chosen Ones, yet we act as if we are the only people on the planet that matter.
“Well”, you might be thinking, “this rant does not apply to me. I am not in the military, I am not an ‘aviation warfare specialist’ as the joystick/drone operators in their ‘flight suits’ are called. I don’t like this crap any more than the author of this piece….”
My question then would be “What are you doing about it?”
Have you called your congressmen and senators and told them that you will only support those politicians who sincerely and repeatedly call for an end to the drone murder program?
About the only thing I feel that I can do about it at this time is try to raise awareness. Anyone can do that in their everyday conversations with others. Letters to the editor are good. Do something or know that by your silence you are aiding and abetting evil in it’s purest form.
Even a “Drones are Evil” bumper sticker would be a start.
You would probably be surprised and maybe encouraged by how many others would comment on it. I believe that there should be a drone operator website where these punks are “outed”. We need a drone operator list with names, pictures and addresses… I want to know if my neighbor, my child’s friend’s father, or the newly hired town cop is or was a murdering serial killer.
If so, they need to be treated like any other murderers.