by Robert Wenzel Economic Policy Journal
Recently by Robert Wenzel: How the Koch Brothers BecameBillionaires
1. Abolish the DEA and end the war on drugs. A large part of gun violence comes as a result of the drug market being forced underground. Drug dealers have to shoot to stay alive, just like Al Capone had to during Prohibition.
End the drug war and drugs would be sold at drugstores by little old lady cashiers -and at a fraction of the price thus reducing all kinds of drug related crime.
2. Abolish the FDA and government involvement in drugs. Big pharma, which owns the FDA and the White House, is behind the mind altering drugs that have been taken by many of the crazed shooters. Drugs paid for and promoted by the government. Let’s end the government promotion of these drugs, which can turn young men mad.
3. End minimum wage laws. Urban youth, in particular, with few skills, are the victims of the minimum wage laws. Their marginal revenue productivity is not high enough to warrant businesses hiring them. Thus, they roam, looking for targets to rob.
4. Abolish the Department of Education. Government education is a myth. It’s an open air prison. The only thing learned at public schools is how to become a thug.
5. End gun control. Guns are the great equalizer. Robberies will really go down when criminals know that the potential victims could be carrying.
Bonus idea: End gun registration and destroy all records of who owns guns.
Gun registration is only one step away from gun confiscation. The most important reason to own a gun is so that individuals can protect themselves should a government get oppressively totalitarian. The last thing that an individuals should want is the government having a list of who owns guns.
Reprinted with permission from Economic Policy Journal.