by Eric Peters Recently by Eric Peters: Here's How It Will Be Done…
Our slavery is ingenious because its so very subtle. Most people not only dont see (much less feel) their shackles they get angry when someone calls attention to them. Most people, in other words, still imagine themselves to be free. This despite the obvious fact that they must first beg and obtain permission before they may exercise any of their former natural rights.
Even the elemental right to choose your spouse, for instance, is no longer a natural right; the state demands the couple seek its permission to marry. Exactly as feudal lords once demanded of their serfs. And serfs we have become.
One reason to do it officially that is, to beg the states permission is simply to have the legal standing in case, for example, your spouse falls ill. An officially anointed husband (or wife) has specific legal rights that a non-sanctioned (by the state) partner does not. And of course, there is the issue of taxes and the disposition of property following the death of a spouse.
The concealed carry handgun permit is exactly similar to the marriage permit. They are both usurpations of natural rights in that they force you to beg permission to exercise your (former) natural rights and strictly define and delimit how you may exercise these ex-rights. It is the same as regards now-conditional property rights, the former right to travel freely, to speak (and even write) freely and on and on. These things are now privileges that require permission.
As noxious as all that is, the alternative is even worse: Fail to get permission and your rights disappear completely, insofar as any obligation of the state to respect or even acknowledge them. To put a finer point on it, you can expect to be punished for any attempt to exercise your former natural rights.
They not only get you coming and going they got you before you got going.
If your wife is severely injured or falls seriously ill, for instance, and has been taken to a hospital you have no legal standing to take decisions as regards her treatment if you are not legally married in the eyes of the state. You may have exchanged vows you may have done so in the presence of witnesses and clergy. Irrelevant as a matter of law absent the states permission slip. In which case, if your spouse is seriously ill and cannot make her wishes known, the wishes of her family as defined by law, which means, her parents or other next of kin take precedence over your wishes. And if there is no legal family then the wishes of the state will decide. You are nothing more than a bystander. You dont even have the right to see her in her room. If her father or the doctor does not like you, he may legally prevent you from seeing your wife because technically, you are not her husband.
Thus, people beg the states permission. Much worse, they have accepted this as normal and reasonable. They do not take umbrage or even become mildly annoyed. Many all too many take pride in having begged for (and received) their permission slips. In having acquired a birth certificate (of ownership) for their children. A drivers license, a Social Security number . and so on.
Guns: At one time and still within living memory the natural right to possess and bear (carry, in modern terms) a firearm was explicitly and implicitly acknowledged and respected. Not only was there no law limiting any citizens right to possess and carry, it was taken as a given that free men need no permission to possess and bear arms. Before November 1963, one could even order a gun through the mails and have it delivered directly to ones home. After November, 1963, prior restraint began to be exercised against everyone because of the actions of one. The former natural right to possess a firearm became a conditional privilege requiring a permission slip . If one wished to bear that is, carry the firearm beyond the borders of ones home, a permit was required.
Ignore the law and get caught exercising your natural right to carry a weapon on your person without having made the proper supplications first and you will discover exactly how much credence the state gives your ex-rights. You will be charged as a criminal for acting as a free man.