Recently by Tess Pennington: Are You Packing? 5 Inexpensive Ways To Store Your Food
When most people think about freeze-dried food they envision some kind of bland, pale sodium-blasted sludge on their plates, posing as dinner.
The beauty of freeze dried food is the nutrition and variety it can add to your pantry. Foods that would normally be off limits in a disaster situation can be neatly lined up on your pantry shelves, only awaiting the addition of hot water to add a burst of vitamins, minerals and flavor to your pantry meals.
One area in which most pantries seem to be lacking is meat. Investing in freeze-dried meats will allow you to make all of your normal recipes with only some slight adaptations. The comfort of a familiar favorite meal can go a long way towards bringing some normalcy to a difficult situation.
Try some of the following varieties:
- Chicken Breast
- Turkey Breast
- Ham
- Ground Beef
- Beef Strips
- Sausage crumbles
Tess Pennington joined the Dallas chapter of the American Red Cross in 1999 Tess worked as an Armed Forces Emergency Services Center specialist and is well versed in emergency and disaster management and response. You can follow her regular updates on Preparedness, Homesteading, and a host of other topics at