Recently by Becky Akers: The Blind Leading the Blind – Into Revolution (I Hope, I Hope!)
Waste no sympathy or admiration on Carol Price, the passenger who complained about her gate-rape to one of the TSA's supervising sickos. Carol had called for said sicko so she could report her search as "inappropriate" (sic for "a criminal assault"); apparently, while explaining, she also demonstrated the molestation she'd just suffered for Supervising Sicko's benefit – on Supervising Sicko. This "violence" – yes, the TSA's precise term for doing unto its lackeys what they do unto us – got her arrested. Leviathan has scheduled her trial for July 3.
But Carol is not the wronged innocent she seems: she once "worked" (sic for "malingered") at the TSA. In fact, she tortured passengers in the same terminal that turned the tables on her, Southwest Florida International Airport near Fort Myers. Yo, Rand: Carol and Supervising Sicko offer a far better "solution" to the TSA than anything you've proposed. Simply turn all the TSA's degenerates loose on each other and let u2018em grope as much as they please.
Obviously, as a former brute, Carol is woefully short of brains. Not only is that one of the job's requirements, she also proved her imbecility by flying. Here's a woman who knows the extent of the TSA's evil first-hand, knows that its incompetent bozos endanger every flight, knows that its purpose is to "dominate, intimidate and control" the serfs. Yet she buys a ticket nonetheless.
Some might argue extenuating circumstances excuse her stupidity since she was on her way to Cleveland, Ohio for her brother's funeral. Alas, Your Intrepid Reporter made that exact trip a few years ago, though in reverse: I happened to be visiting Cleveland when my uncle in Fort Myers died. I threw myself, my suitcase, and assorted relatives into a car and bam, 18 hours later, there we were.
Not Carol (then again, she undoubtedly failed at finding anyone to split the driving. Would you climb into a car with a pervert who previously terrorized folks for a living? People have died in far less menacing circumstances). She went to the airport, where – big surprise – she "says while going through security to catch her flight, a TSA agent groped her. In response, … [she] put down her carry-on bags, turn[s] to a TSA supervisor and grab[s] her – allegedly without permission – to show the supervisor what Price says she went through." [Emphasis added.]
Whoa! you're thinking, now wait just a doggone minute. I never gave these thugs permission to grope me, either.
No, the Supreme Dorks-sorry, Court did for you. Decades ago, they decreed that merely by patronizing a commercial airline, you volunteer for whatever abuse federal psychopaths decide to heap on you – though naturally, the Dorks didn't phrase it as honestly as that. Instead, they babbled, "When the risk is the jeopardy to hundreds of human lives and millions of dollars of property inherent in the pirating or blowing up of a large airplane, the danger alone meets the test of reasonableness [per the Fourth Amendment], so long as the search is conducted in good faith for the purpose of preventing hijacking or like damage and with reasonable scope and the passenger has been given advance notice of his liability to such a search so that he can avoid it by choosing not to travel by air." Catch the false dichotomy with which they justify this evisceration of the Constitution: any "reasonable" person would rather become a sex-toy for the feds than a target for terrorists – as if those are the only options. Yes, this is what passes for logic among the nation's highest Dorks.
Speaking of dorks, back we go to Carol and Supervising Sicko (which, happily and symbolically, abbreviates to SS). The latter took offense – huge offense, just as her own prey does – at Carol's laying on of hands. Indeed, SS sicced the cops on Carol, who duly arrested her, while SS hyperventilated over her humiliation: "Price suddenly and aggressively grabbed my inner thigh and went up with her hands into my pubic bone."
Oh, SS, your victims empathize. Indeed, many of them have described their assaults from you and your felons in identical terms. And, SS, though I would never presume to speak for those hundreds of thousands, let me say on my own behalf that I'm grinning ear-to-ear! Really, Carol couldn't have "aggressively grabbed" anyone who deserves it more than you, you miserable, filthy germ!
Unfortunately though not unexpectedly, given that the TSA used to employ Carol, there are no principles at stake here. Carol was not defying the agency's totalitarianism, indecency, criminality and cruelty: no, she once actively dished all that out. Rather, she and SS indulged in a cat-fight. Seems they've hated each other since their days as fellow Warriors on Freedom-sorry, Terrorists, and each grabbed an opportunity for revenge as "aggressively" as they do "inner thighs."
As we might also expect, the TSA has endorsed its ruffians' savaging of Carol: “The pat down was conducted correctly in accordance with our procedures," it jabbered, as it does after all such violations, whether of 7-year-old girls stricken with cerebral palsy or grandmothers in wheelchairs. Its spokesliars added, "Violence against our officers who work every day to keep the traveling public safe is unacceptable.” Dang right. Our Rulers reserve such violence for use against us.
To my knowledge, only two women during the tragic decade of the TSA's predations have physically defended themselves when gate-raped. Neither did anything more than reflexively push her assailant away, yet such "violence" got both of them tried, convicted, and punished.
I suspect a similar fate awaits Carol. Ironic, isn't it, that she'll pay not for assaulting us but for defending herself from such wickedness.
Ah, karma…
June 21, 2012
Becky Akers [send her mail] writes primarily about the American Revolution. Her novel set during the war will be published this summer.