Previously by Margaret Durst: Silver – Precious in More Ways Than YouThink
Helpful hints and home remedies from customers can be useful. I like to share them because some of them might help you.
For emphysema or chronic lung congestion, try grape juice. It must be the not from concentrate kind, but it seems to be very helpful in dissolving the mucus. This particular kind of grape juice has been used successfully on emphysema.
For cholesterol and arterial plaqueing, try pomegranate juice. I know several that use this juice for lowering both cholesterol and blood pressure.
For gout, try cherry juice or cherries there are now cherry pills. Another juice that is useful is cranberry juice, unsweetened only. Cranberry juice helps clean out the kidneys. It helps reduce and / or prevent infection by keeping harmful bacteria from sticking to the walls of the kidneys and bladder.
For cold and flu prevention, there are several different approaches, but these seem to work. Take one 500 mg. capsule of olive leaf per day this is used by many, including me to prevent cold or flu. For cold and flu prevention after exposure, or at first sign of symptoms: 1) use echinacea; 2) use echinacea, vitamin C and colloidal silver; 3) use elderberry syrup; 4) use olive leaf; 5) drink raw vegetable juice; 6) use oregano oil; 7) take zinc and vitamin C; or 8) drink 8 ounces of water with ½ teaspoon each of salt and soda.
For indigestion, drink 1T apple cider vinegar in 1/3 cup of water, or try pickle juice. For indigestion related to food poisoning, take activated charcoal. Aloe vera juice is another favorite for any kind of indigestion particularly if the stomach lining is damaged (as in ulcers.)
For gas and bloating, take digestive enzymes and/or acidophilus.
For acne, take fiber and a green supplement we recommend dandelion. Probiotics are also very helpful for acne.
For charlie horses, take magnesium. For restless leg try calcium balanced with magnesium. For leg cramps, potassium usually works.
For almost anything, use noni. Several customers swear by noni for prostate cancer. Others use it for arthritis. Some use it to help prevent macular degeneration. It is also used for energy and blood sugar control.
For washing vegetables try a very weak Clorox solution for 510 minutes. The results on lettuce are spectacular it will last 2 weeks without any black slimy stuff. The recommended proportions are 1 teaspoon to 1 sink of water followed by two full sink rinses of 10 minutes each.
For children who will not go to sleep, try calcium and B vitamins. Another useful tip is to use a calming homeopathic.
For allergic reactions, use vitamin C and/or ½ teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in 8 ounces of water.
For nausea, use ginger tea or candied ginger. This is great for morning sickness.
For stomach upset, try raspberry leaf tea or chamomile tea. My favorite stomach virus remedy is aloe vera juice and colloidal silver.
Margaret Durst owns The Green House, a vitamin, herb and health food store in Mason, Texas.