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Leading trend forecaster Gerald Celente, of the Trends Research Institute, discusses a host of issues and topics with Infowars Nightly News host Alex Jones. Among other things, Celente says hes never seen a summer like 2011, and warns that this Winter will not be a good one for Americans:
Gerald Celente On Collapse and Depression:
When is it going to collapse? As Ive said, Ive never seen a summer like this. I think were going to see the Winter of Discontent Youre going to start seeing an unraveling more and more every day as you watch the news. So, October is my month, and its only a guesstimate, that were going to see the big unraveling.
Even if it doesnt happen in October, because you dont know what phony schemes theyre going to come up with, its going to happen eventually. And, thats why Im fully invested in gold.
Look at housing. How many times did they say the real estate market is turning around. Its worse. Its worse than it was during the Great Depression, and its only going to get worse.
Were seeing a collapse happening. Its an economic collapse worldwide.
Chinas not going to make it out of it, Brazils not going to. That old saying when America sneezes the world catches a cold were the largest consumers hands down. Us and Europe are going under.
What were telling people is, know where youre money is, because were going to see bank failures one after another.
Look whats going on in the UK. Look at the riots they called them hooligans and criminals. Its the same thing thats happening around the world. And its going to happen here in the U.S.
You know my saying, when people lose everything, and they have nothing left to lose, they lose. And theyre losing it.
Use the UK as your model. Theyre taking away all civil liberties.
What happens is, the more the government loses control, the harder they are going to crack down on us.
So, when you see a society where so many young people have no educations, they cant get jobs, theyre wacked out on drugs you think youre going to see a lot more violence?
The response is going to be we gotta crack down on crime. The worse crime becomes, the harder theyre going to crack down on us.
Theyll use it just as the United States used 9/11 to rape us of our Constitutional rights.
On Fear and Hysteria:
Look for a false flag attack be it terror, or something along the line of fear and hysteria. Things are going to get very ugly. Crime is going to escalate at levels weve never seen before. The presstitutes are going to keep coming out with these phony figures, just like they do with inflation, just like they do with unemployment. Theyre going to come out with them in crime.
On SHTF Planning:
You better learn how to protect yourself. Gerald Celentes three Gs. Gold, Guns and a Getaway Plan. Because its not going to be nice.
Watch the full two-part interview: