Recently by Simon Black: This Is What Passes for Democracy in Greece… and America
Bruce Lee, a long-time hero of mine, died 38-years ago today, and in tribute to his intellect and philosophy, I wanted to blow the dust off an old quote of his that seems quite prescient:
Those who are unaware they are walking in darkness will never seek the light.
Each day it becomes increasingly obvious that there are essentially two kinds of people in this world those who are unaware that they walk in the darkness, completely oblivious to the real dangers in the world, versus those who understand reality and seek the truth.
The former group comprises the vast majority of society. This is your voting electorate and mainstream media audience, and theyll buy every bit of propaganda thats sent their way whether its support for the war(s), ruinous economic programs, child molesting TSA policies, or just plain old fear and hate.
In its latest effort to spread fear and hate, the Ministry of Love, also known as the Department of Homeland Security, has produced an Orwellian new video intended to encourage Americans to rat each other out.