The following article will give you a better understanding of the most common uses of iodine as a supplement, as outlined by clinical research and by the University of Maryland Medical Center.
Additionally, you will also learn about a simple at-home test that can give you a better idea if you have an iodine deficiency.
Common Uses For Iodine:
1. Radiation Exposure
Potassium iodine has been used to help individuals exposed to radiation by reducing the harmful accumulation of radioactive substances in the thyroid. However, It has been said that nascent atomic Iodine may be 4-7 times more effective than potassium iodide and is much safer to use.
2. General Use as a Sterilizing Agent
Almost all sterilization products for the body have iodine. It is a wonderful wound cleaner, and has even been used to purify water in tablet or liquid form.
3. Preventing Goiter
Inflammation of the throat area and thyroid gland is known as a “goiter.” To prevent this condition, it is suggested to take the daily recommended amounts of a nascent atomic iodine supplement to boost overall thyroid health.
4. Boosting Metabolism
Due to improper thyroid function, metabolism of the body may slow down. Supplementing with nascent atomic iodine may help ensure the smooth functioning of the thyroid gland which in turn helps regulate the metabolism. It can also aid the body in keeping warmth, steadying the heart rate, maintaining a health body weight, and promoting overall digestive health. Here are a few more tips to boosting metabolism.
5. Bacterial Infections
A nascent atomic iodine solution can be used to assist the body in fighting off bacterial infections such as conjunctivitis. Using an iodine tonic as a throat gargle is also helpful for a cough. Iodine also acts as an expectorant of mucous for colds and flu.
6. Breast Health
Much research is currently being conducted on the role of iodine in breast health, including both the prevention of breast cancer, and overall shape and function. Similarly, iodine is a key mineral in mother’s milk, and is passed on to children for their proper growth and development. However, most nursing mothers are extremely deficient in Iodine.
7. Ovarian Health
Again, much research confirms the link between a lack of iodine and ovarian problems, such as cysts, and reproductive ability.
8. Neurological Health
Children can suffer from mental illness and disabilities due to a lack of iodine. It is important that mothers supplement with this micronutrient as a preventative measure. I recommend using only a safe nascent atomic iodine.
9. Vaginitis
Iodine douches have been used to reduce vaginal inflammation, itching and discharge associated with chronic yeast infections.