Jesse Ventura Exposes the JFK Assassination Conspiracy Nationally


Jesse Ventura has done a great service to the country in this, the second season of his TV series, Conspiracy Theory. In Episode 5 that just played this past Friday, November 19th, he further hammers home the truth nationally that there was indeed a conspiracy to kill Jack Kennedy. He does so by going beyond the House Select Committee on Assassinations report of 1979 that also concluded there was a conspiracy by providing more concrete evidence, the most crucial being at the end of the episode with the death-bed confession of the famous/infamous intelligence officer, author and Watergate Burglar, E. Howard Hunt, who pointblank states to his son, St. Clair Hunt, who video and audio-taped the confession, that he was indeed part of the assassination conspiracy, code-named The Big Event.

Hunt was about as insider as you can get regarding the inner workings of the clandestine side of the American government, and he was as lucid as ever when he gave this confession. He knew he was dying and didn’t want to keep silent any longer about what he knew. The best anyone can say to refute Hunt’s confession so far is that his claims have not been substantiated by another investigation, which of course, is not even being contemplated at this point, but this is a distracting argument because the real point it whether Hunt is believable or not. And for a guy as lethal, deadly serious and matter-of-fact as Hunt, to suggest that he was making this up is ludicrous.

Hunt’s confession has been online for several years, and I have listened to it several times, hoping against hope that it could get wider play in the media. But It was up to someone of Jesse Ventura’s caliber to tie it and the many other loose strands of evidence together to make the most solid case yet nationally that yes indeed, America, there WAS a conspiracy to kill Kennedy, a conspiracy that emanated out of the dark side of the American government.

So consider this a public service on Jesse Ventura’s part. Here is episode five on YouTube, in four parts:

Part 1: