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Yesterday, October 29, my new book, The Dollar Meltdown: Surviving the Impending Currency Crisis with Gold, Oil, and Other Unconventional Investments, arrived in bookstores. It describes the next and most difficult phase of America’s financial turmoil the coming currency crisis. But more than that, it outlines simple steps to protect yourself and your family. Congressman Ron Paul calls The Dollar Meltdown "truly a must read."
In The Dollar Meltdown youll find out:
How the price of gold moves higher with each increase in the U.S. national debt ceiling. (The lid on the national debt was raised an astonishing 7 times in the Bush years and once already in Obamas presidency. And another debt ceiling hike is right around the corner!)
How the short frenzy of bailouts, stimulus spending and government guarantees, quickly grew to more than the entire U.S. federal debt! (And why they lit the fuse for The Dollar Meltdown!)
Why Federal Reserve chairmen Greenspan and Bernanke failed to foresee the growing financial crisis even as they added fuel to its fires! (And why the more-of-the-same policies spell an even bigger calamity than the one were living through!)
How the visible national debt of $12 trillion is dwarfed by Americas real, but hidden, national debt of almost $100 trillion! (Like an iceberg, most of the nations debt is hidden from view. And like the Titanic, the ship of state cant be turned in time to avoid a financial collision.)
What your share of the hidden national debt is: For a family of four its about $1.3 million. (Since Americas median household income is only $50,000, you see why there is no prospect of the debt ever being paid.)
About the sleight-of-hand by which the Federal Reserve creates money out of thin air! (And why they do it!)
How the Adjusted Monetary Base has exploded as the Federal Reserve revs up the engines of inflation. (And like a race car revving up at the starting line, what happens when the clutch is popped!)
About Americas growing command economy and the three things that accompany an out-of-control debt-driven monetary policy. (Price controls, rationing, and intrusive bureaucracies.)
What Persian Gulf oil producers and other countries are doing to prepare for the dollar meltdown. (And the similar steps you can take to protect yourself and your family!)
Why energy independence promised by every president from Nixon to Obama is a costly myth! (And why China gave up that myth to secure its energy future.)
Why a growing global population and billions of new capitalists will make agriculture and natural resources the investment safe havens of the future. (And discover simple strategies that allow you to participate without the leverage risk, margin calls and emotional toll that these opportunities used to demand.)
But most importantly, The Dollar Meltdown was written to help you avoid being victimized by decades of governmental irresponsibility. Investor Peter Schiff calls The Dollar Meltdown "a sensible plan to protect your wealth." And he adds this warning: "Don’t wait for the dollar to melt down protect your assets before they melt down with it."
The U.S. Dollar is in trouble. A currency crisis is not a pleasant event. I hope you will enjoy the book and profit from it.
October 30, 2009
Charles Goyette [send him mail] is the author of the upcoming book, The Dollar Meltdown.