According to Wikipedia, the "Stockholm Syndrome" is a psychological response sometimes seen in abducted hostages, in which the hostage shows signs of loyalty to the hostage-taker, regardless of the danger or risk in which they have been placed. The syndrome is named after a 1973 bank robbery in which the bank robbers held bank employees hostage for six days. In this case, the victims became emotionally attached to their captors, and even defended them after they were freed from their six-day ordeal.
This time, the captor is the Federal Government in Washington, and the 50 states are its captives.
The powers-that-be in Washington are accelerating the destruction of the United States of America. And the state governments stand by idly.
President Obama is proving to be "the new Boss, same as the old Boss."
- He has not removed troops from Iraq to end our military presence there. Most troops that were removed from Iraq were redeployed to Afghanistan. The war in Afghanistan has been escalated. From that war, the American military has expanded that war into Pakistan. The fighting in Pakistan has a very real possibility of destabilizing the Pakistan/India relationship, which has been a decades-long powder keg.
- The operation of the American Embassy in Iraq, the largest embassy in the history of the world, continues unimpeded. America's not leaving, folks.
- The American military is presently building new US military bases in Colombia, South America.
- Washington is still working behind the scenes to cause unrest in Iran, and an air strike is still an option. Covert military ops have been happening inside Iran for years.
- Washington has established an African Command for the US military, further expanding American hegemony worldwide.
- Congress is spending money like there is an infinite supply of it. They now own General Motors. They've bailed out carmakers, investment banking companies, lenders and brokerages with hundreds of millions of dollars that they don't have.
- The Cap and Trade legislation, which would be the largest tax increase in the history of the USA, is still alive.
- The Congress wants to pass health care legislation which will change health care in America, and not for the good.
- The Obama Administration is surrounding itself with advisors who are avowed Communists, Socialists, and Marxists.
- The Federal Reserve continues to operate unchecked, with no oversight by anyone whatsoever.
- The Transportation Safety Administration tightly regulates all air travel within the borders of the United States. Piss them off and you don't fly.
- The manipulation of the American economy by Washington continues. Between Federal Reserve monetary policy and a Congress that never saw a bill it would not fund, unemployment rises. Foreclosures mushroom. Bank failures increase. Bankruptcy is at an all-time high.
I could go on and on, but I think I've made my point.
Most Americans SEEM to be unhappy with the way our nation is being run right now. Obama's approval numbers have slid to a place that only about 50% of those polled approve of his work. And NO ONE trusts Congress.
The tyranny of Washington continues. Washington has long forgotten that the Federal government was invented by the States to serve THEM.
The tail has wagged the dog since Lincoln lived in the White House.
The "State of the Union" means more than a propagandist's dream on a January evening in Congress. The state of our Union is desperately bad and getting worse.
How much longer will the states allow themselves to be victims of a kidnapping?
How much longer will the states accept the devastation of our way of life that is pouring out of Washington like feces from a sewer pipe?
How much longer will states tolerate being ruled by an unconstitutional military-backed junta that has stolen our nation?
How much longer will states allow their own citizens to be taxed to death by a government no longer accountable to those very citizens?
When will states awaken from their long slumber and once again realize that they are sovereign and independent, and that they have the power to shake off the heavy burden of Federal tyranny?
Will it take hyperinflation to wake up the states? How high will the unemployment rate have to be? How high will the taxes have to get? How many unfunded Federal mandates will have to be imposed? Will a new law about firearm confiscation or regulation of ammunition be enough? What if Washington decides to once again make it illegal for citizens to own gold, and begins to confiscate gold?
Will the states continue to be the indentured servants of the Washington plantation until the day that the plantation collapses? Then, what will the states do? Will they become sovereign once again and assert their freedom, or simply look for another "Massa?"
The Boy Scouts of America have a two-word slogan: "Be Prepared." Every ten-year-old scout in America knows that he should prepare for both good and bad. The sovereign states of the united States of America would do well to adopt the Boy Scout slogan and start preparing for an uncertain future.
My prediction is that the majority of the American states are so inured to the Federal shackles that they will stay with Washington no matter what. The states have developed a love for their own captors…the Stockholm Syndrome lives.
September 11, 2009