Learn To Talk the Talk

If You’re Going to Lock and Load, You Should Talk the Talk

by Greg Perry by Greg Perry


Your response to my article Get Good With Gun Gab was overwhelming to say the least. I received more emails about that article than any other to date. Most of the emails were extra pleasurable because you offered great lines of your own as well as told me about favorites you’ve heard in the past. I asked Lew if he would mind if I followed up once with a sequel article. Given the response of the first one he loved the idea so here you have it. Consider this the sequel.

Keep in mind why these lines are not just for fun. You must be ready to defend your right to carry. I don’t like to call my right to defend myself a second amendment right because doing so implies I didn’t have the right to defend myself before the Bill of Rights. As much as I love the second amendment, referring to that somewhat waters down the entire right for me. If the second amendment had never been penned, we still would have the inalienable right to defend ourselves and our families against those who would do us harm.

These Lines Are Just Pure Fun

  • Gun control means using both hands.
  • When seconds count, the police are only minutes away.
  • A man without a sword [gun] heaps up gold for the man who has a sword
  • Why do I carry a 45? Because they don’t make a 46.
  • The NRA compromises only when at all possible. — Johnny Rowland of The Shooting Show
  • Gun control is OSHA for criminals.
  • Never bring a knife to a gun fight but always bring a gun to a knife fight.
  • Don’t pick a fight with an old man. If he’s too old to fight he’ll just shoot you.
  • When asked if he was expecting trouble because he was wearing his pistol, the old sheriff answered, “Nope. If I was expecting trouble, I’d have brought my rifle.”
  • I was built for battle, not ballet. — Gabe Suarez (I think)
  • Bumper Sticker: Warning! Driver carries less than $20 in ammunition.

Concealed Carry Related

  • I’d rather have a gun and not need one than need a gun and not have one.
  • It’s better to be judged by 12, than carried by six. (Referring to carrying where illegal to carry.)

Q: Why did you shoot him 9 times? A: Because 8 wasn’t enough and 10 would have been too many.

They Want Your Guns

  • Never say “gun control” but instead, say “victim disarmament.” I’ve seen the visceral effect this has on our enemies in public. It’s as if somebody punched them in the stomach when they realize they’ve lost the moral high ground. — L. Neil Smith
  • The victim disarmament industry is filled with people who would rather see a woman raped in an alley and strangled with her own pantyhose than see her with a gun in her hand. — L. Neil Smith
  • I look at our public servants as just that — “the help.” And so I consider government gun grabbers just as I would a yard man or maid who had the audacity to demand my gun. — Mark Gilmore
  • These people want our guns because they want to run our lives, and they don’t want to worry about getting shot when they try to do so. When you hear that they’ve confiscated my gun, then you’ll know I’m dead. — Walter Williams
  • If slaves owned guns, would they be slaves? — Greg Josif
  • The sophisticated and subtle tyrant will unarm his people, and store up their weapons, under pretence of keeping them safe. — Sir Walter Raleigh

Why do You Carry A Gun?

  • Because a cop is too heavy.
  • Because I think it is sociopathic to outsource my self-defense to others. — Bill Buppert
  • Because cops do. [You’ll get the expected follow-up question:] But isn’t a cop’s job dangerous? A cop’s job is dangerous because living is dangerous. If you haven’t noticed I’m as much alive as the average cop. — Peter W. Wickham, Jr.
  • Because I’d rather carry a gun in than be carried out. — James Robert Rodgers
  • Because I think my wife would rather bail me out of jail than have to identify my corpse in a morgue. — James Robert Rodgers

Q: Why carry a gun with 14 rounds (Springfield Armory XD45)? A: In case I’m attacked by 14 criminals.

Q: But if you carry a gun, why do you carry a knife? A: In case there’s a fifteenth. Peter W. Wickham, Jr.

Those Bad Guns!

  • An “assault” is an action that only an animated creature can engage in; inanimate objects, by definition, can’t. — Peter W. Wickham, Jr.

Q: Do you think that you should be allowed to own a bazooka? A: I made one when I was 16, filmed myself using it, and showed the film in physics class for extra credit. That was when the country was much more free than it is now. (True story) — Charles H. Browne