The State of Conspiracy


So I’ve been living and working in Mordor for about half a year. The experience has been quite illuminating. I realized right off the subsidized-bat that I wasn’t in Kansas anymore when I saw the King’s crime of Taxation Without Representation printed on local license plates. Now that’s supposedly a protest slogan, but it seems more like a slave’s sick, self-deprecating joke. The highways are congested with cars and cameras, but the overpasses aren’t mounted by gun turrets, so the workers don’t complain much. For those who don’t or won’t drive, there’s a neat metro system where the trains run on time some of the time to all kinds of “free” museums espousing the progressive history of government. The parks are there for the people to roam, play frisbee toss, lick ice cream, and read the daily spin under the shadow of various pagan monuments. Meanwhile, the instructed Decider instructs the young armies to invade faraway lands full of sand. There are few worries over war among the diverse populace, for our fair and balanced press has confirmed that the best defense is a blitzkrieg offense. Civilizing these countries through a barrel of a gun with American Democracy is not just for the common good of our infallible nation, but for the world good as well.

I have front row seats to the madness of post-9-11 Washington D.C. The overtly fascist overdrive of the U.S. government has twisted an already backwards nation into a Homeland of Terror. Most of the happy people say the loss of freedom is justified because we obviously "need to be safe from the gang of cavemen." However, there are those brazen individuals who are more concerned with domestic black helicopters than "the gang of cavemen." Unanswered questions in the 9-11 Commission Report have led to the creation of quite a few theories revolving around September 11th. But mainstream inputs have already debunked all that Conspiracy Theory rubbish… haven’t they? Hologram planes aside, one or more of the following is true about that tragic day: the government’s past actions provoked the attack; the government was grossly unable (or unwilling?) to protect the country; or it was all just a huge, high-tech deadly magic show put on by very secret, compartmentalized elements of the U.S. (and/or foreign) government. Remember the Maine? Hitler’s Reichstag? The Gulf of Tonkin non-event? Is it really unreasonable for one to suspect the beneficiaries of war and government growth to have had a hand in 9-11? Could a twin tower-sized inside job actually be pulled off? Many folks were outraged with the New York Post’s April 12, 2002 headline: “Bush Knew!” (as if Dubya knows anything). But even the notion that September 11th was an inside job orchestrated solely by the Bush administration ignores the Oligarchy, which has dominated the United States for over a century, regardless of which puppet is in office.

For multiple reasons, I've had the opportunity to listen to all kinds of so-called "Conspiracy Theorists" over the phone. Many of them inform me that we’re being listened-in on by They. So goons from NSA or DHS put food on the table by monitoring… me?! I’m flattered! But I'm hearing deep anti-Establishment stuff here, so are They really dumb enough to let this conversation go unmonitored? Anyway, I'm lectured about fluorinated water and the vaccinations with mercury. This troubles me, because I like water and my mom made sure I received every vaccination. Others say I must watch Zeitgeist and Loose Change, for both these online flicks have all the Answers. I'm also told about the founders being Free Masons and then I see the map of the Executive Mansion resting at the top of a city street pentagram. Well… I always suspected that Satan’s power flows through the White House. And what’s this about the U.S. still being under the Martial Law enacted by President Lincoln? No wonder that neo-Confederate Tom DiLorenzo hates Honest Abe so much! These conversations warp me into a dimension where my birth certificate legally handed me over to the “State” of D.C.’s jurisdiction. The task is now to reclaim my legal sovereignty from the U.S. Corporation and to escape the Uniform Commercial Code, the Elite's shadow legal system that redundantly enslaves us all through a web of buried technicalities. But even as I reach as high as I can for the pyramid's peak, it is, much to the delight of the owl-worshipping aristocracy, always out of reach.

Have you heard the conspiratorial view of the first through third national banks, where the good ol’ U.S. of A is little more than a sovereign-in-name-only satellite for the British Empire? In this story, Andrew Jackson is hailed as the greatest American ever. Five months after the expiration of the first U.S. Bank's charter in 1811, Americans would find the British burning down the White House (hallelujah!). However, a miraculous post-war stand by General Jackson in New Orleans sent those Red Coats reeling. Two years after the war's end in 1814, the privately owned Second Bank's charter is authorized by then president James Madison, so in 1832 it’s up to president Jackson to veto the rebirth of the dragon-demon from hell. Perhaps Jackson was aware that Mayer Amschel Rothschild once said, “Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.”? Unfortunately for you and me, "Old Hickory" was not around to stop the banker’s secret 1910 Jekyll Island meeting where legislation to cartelize the banking industry was crafted. These bankers, out of the goodness of their hearts, had their men in Congress push for the "much-needed" Federal Reserve Act, which eventually passed in December of 1913 during the administration of their pet president, Woodrow Wilson.

Let's now take a friendly visit to the generally subversive Council on Foreign Relations, a globalist policy club for the elites founded in 1919 by president Wilson’s right hand man and soul mate, Colonel Edward Mandel House. For almost a 100 years now, CFR members have included the heads of academia, law, media, insurance and especially finance; and every presidential administration since the 1920s has been dominated by CFR members. According to Alex Jones, the mission of the Council on Foreign Relations is to destroy the United States. While I’m not a fan of fronts for the House of Morgan and Rockefeller, does anyone really believe CFR members like Dan Rather are aware of, say, Cecil Rhodes' American Round Table group? That aside, only 0.001% of the U.S. population can claim membership to the Council on Foreign Relations. With one exception, every media anointed presidential front-runner in this election is a proud, card-carrying member of the highly exclusive CFR. The Huckster is that exception, but the Establishment needed a relative outsider to don the robes of conservative savior. They'd take anybody but that kooky, crackpot Ron Paul. You should all know the media’s song:

Long shot, 9-11 Truther, Ron Paul. Crackpot, Libertarian, Ron Paul. Long shot, Neo-Nazi, Ron Paul!

*End Transmission*

It has long been the dream of powerful men to possess Earth. Throughout history rulers of many a great empire have tried to conquer what they figured was the whole thing. These mad dogs were not raised to be content with the power that they merely inherited. No, the father to son line is always, “There are always more sheep to shepherd.” And thanks to technology, this ant world of ours is becoming a much more manageable ant farm. The State, their corporate beneficiaries and financial masters have managed to sell mercantilism and paper money to the whole world with the goal of obtaining total control. These powers use the United States as the military engine for their New World Order; and a militaristic Empire that the world despises is easily disposable down the road, along with all those silly notions of sovereignty. One hears this and replies “Oh, so you believe in the Illuminati!” Not knowing much about Adam Weishaupt, I explain the long history of the international banking cartel, the socialist tax-exempt foundations and all about the State-media, but their programming responds snidely with “Conspiracy Theorist."

So while I may never acquire the all-seeing Eye's view of the Puzzle, I think it's pretty clear that Conspiracy is a dirty word for a reason: the Establishment engages in conspiratorial acts on a daily basis. It would be foolish for They not to publish loads of worthless historical facts, promote stereotypes along with skin-deep diversity, teach dismal sciences, and report misinformation in order to divide, distract, and mislead the serfs. Think of the armies of dumbed-down children ushered into their local brainwashing center for at least eight mind-numbing hours. Fortunately for Liberty, most don’t finish their homework on so-called market failure. But for “adults” there’s that old, Banker-financed Marxist child’s fable of the Proletariat vs. Bourgeoisie which has crowded out the more accurate, generalized depiction of our situation: the ruling class vs. We, the People. It should be of no surprise that libertarians are widely seen by their fellow peons as poor-hating, ego-worshipping children who just want more of Society’s money.

Maybe this is just the chemtrails talking, but “Conspiracy Theorists” are not crazy for wanting to expose the men behind the curtain. The real crazies are the statists blinded by the curtain of red, white, and blue.

February 23, 2008

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