Enclosed please find a photograph of my two precious children. These children are precious to me and motivate me greatly to give them a better life than I have had. I am not saying I have had a bad life. On the contrary I have had what I consider a great life. And isn't that part of the American dream, that our children have a better life than we had?
The reason I am writing you, and the reason I am enclosing these photos, is because they are a major reason for me to make sacrifices in time, in money, in energy and in prayer to do everything I can to see that you become our next president.
I am currently 40 years old and know that if things continue as they are going that when I am old that things will be different than they are today. I know that I will not be able to rely on social security to support me. I know that prices will be higher and that my privacy will be less. And I know that we will still be tilting at windmills in our nebulous and expensive wars on all perceived social and political ills. These facts I can live with. I may not like them but I have had 40 years of mostly freedom to prepare for it. I also had the privilege to be educated and raised in such a way as to understand and love the American ideal.
When I look at my 3-year-old daughter, Grace, and my infant son, Asa, I shudder to think what this country will be like when they are old.
If we continue on our current course my children will be adults in a country totally unrelated to the America that I grew up in. In their America, freedom, and liberty and privacy will be words that have a completely different meaning than what you and I know they mean. They will live in a society still at war with half the planet. They will live in a country that dictates what medical procedures they can have and what supplements they can take. They will live in a country that may or may not remember that it was once a world leader in economics and technology and most importantly freedom. Their dollars will purchase just a fraction of what our dollars purchase.
When I was a young adult my country was the envy of the world. Many people wanted what we had. When I was a young adult my country was a creditor nation that people looked to for aid and assistance. When my children are adults I fear the rest of the world will fear their country and that they will be pariahs if they travel outside her borders. When they are adults I fear that we will be begging favor of other countries because of our collapsed currency and low standing in the world.
When I was a child I was taught that our government was made to insure freedom for its citizens. I fear that my children will be conditioned to believe that we give our government freedom in return for safety and security.
I know that you have undertaken a daunting task in pursuing the presidency. A daunting, exhausting and draining task if there ever was one. When you are attacked, when you are exhausted, when you feel the strain of the constant demand placed upon you in these upcoming months please think of these children, and the tens of thousands of others just like them, and think what they have to look forward to if you and I and the rest of your supporters do not succeed. Realize that they have done nothing to inherit a multi-trillion dollar debt, war without end, a failing currency, or a government that treats them as subjects.
I consider you my best hope that my children have a better life than I have had. And it is for that reason that I will do all in my power to help you succeed. For them and the multitudes like them, it is imperative that you do succeed.
Note the open mouth expression on my daughters face. It is because the picture was taken while she was in the back of a Ron Paul truck in a Veterans Day parade yelling "Vote for Ron Paul, Vote for Ron Paul!"
Sincerely, John Hamilton
November 17, 2007