I suppose you can't say Joe Lieberman is entirely out of the race to succeed himself as senator from Connecticut, but his conquering-hero image has been delightfully tarnished by Ned Lamont's victory in the Democratic Party primary. I know that one swallow does not a summer make, but this event has brought me around from my long-held position of non-cooperation with the system (Don't vote; it only encourages them) to a just-this-once strategy of going to the polling place to help roll out as many bums as possible.
I say vote against all incumbents (this ought to hold right down to dogcatcher and school board member). I wish there were a line on the ballot for each set of contestants: "None of the above; leave the office open until the next election," but that is too much to hope for.
Dogcatchers aside, the thing to dream of is a Democratic Congress. One party rule has proved a terrible thing under the crazed Republicans, as it will always prove under any group allied in robbing the public till and largely unopposed in the public assemblies. Believe me, it is not that I see Democrats as a set of Lochinvars coming to our rescue, but at least they are not more of the Republican gang who think they must forever pull the forelock to George the Great. A kick in the pants for G. the G. is more like it. The dear boy has earned it a thousand times over.
You may say that I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. A whole bunch of people I'd hate to have to ask to dinner are working the same front: Move-on, Michael Moore, many others. I don't follow what they are all up to. But the hue and cry is beginning to be up at last: get Bush (Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, and the innumerable war-mongering neocons) hemmed in and cut down. Get these insane war and debt policies reversed. Take us out of the Universal War column, and enter us in the Peace column. And study to find a way to repair the damages of this so-far six-year term of lunacy we have brought on ourselves.
That is, let us rejoin the human race and let the world know that not every American is ugly, not every American is a killer, not every American supports endless, unjust, aggressive war.
". . . mankind is indeed one great family . . ." ~ Sir George Trevelyan
The devil rejoices when bugles sound war when A invades B to get what B's got and glosses it over with high-sounding words lying to boys that war brings glory knowing it brings only death and shame plus gorgeous profits for mostly older men.
Citizens sleep on, trusting all's for the best sleep on, sleep on, ignoring the truth that in all wars brother kills brother, Cain and Abel endlessly repeated.
All our "races" are but one race and God weeps because these, his precious creatures, slake their lust by killing brothers forgetting or denying that God within is like for all the true Light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world.
One truth from on high for mankind.
One lie from hell urging to murder.
August 11, 2006