Amendment IV, the Bill Of Rights of the US Constitution:
“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath of affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”
Tyranny comes on gentle cat’s paws. The fiery Spirit of Freedom must wither away within a once free people before it can be “transcended” by the opportunistic demands for “Security.” All tyrannical regimes begin their encroachments upon the liberties of the people in darkest secrecy and one small step at a time. Free people will not be stampeded into forsaking their precious freedoms, but they can be lured and coaxed and lied into drifting one fatal step at a time into the iron cage of tyranny, especially when they are terrorized in times of warfare or other calamities. But after many years of growing accustomed to the new definitions of ancient laws, the lies about “protecting freedom” by eliminating it, and the other pains of the iron cage, the secret tyrants become more open in taking greater leaps into “The New Freedoms” and “The New Security Measures” which hide the iron cage from the more ignorant. This is the fateful moment for any people. If they do not immediately recoil in vast outrage against the more blatant usurpations, they are lost and begin the fatal plunge into despotism now hidden only by the incessant propaganda campaigns from Big Brother about the Evil Ones threatening to take over the world and seeking to destroy their way of life.
This was true in the time of Peisistratus in Ancient Greece, in Rome in the century of the tortured death of the “res publica” (The Spirit of the Republic) and the rise of the Caesars, and in the modern seductions of the peoples of Russia and Italy and Germany into their iron cages by the communists and the fascists and the fascist Nazis.
We Americans have been lured and lied and terrorized into periods of totally secret tyranny many times, beginning in the Civil War, and ever more rapidly and fatally in each war since then. The pattern is very obvious.
Presidents secretly usurp powers to fight wars. After the wars the people discover the tyrannical usurpations and try to root them out, but each bout of tyranny leaves their Spirit of Freedom and their other defenses against tyranny weaker. Some of the tyrannical measures become redefined as “necessary” for “national security in the modern world” and are left in place and quasi-legalized by fictitious additions of legislation to the Constitution which are themselves hidden acts of tyranny (since The Constitution to which our ancestors agreed allows only Amendments to change it, a fact denied by the tyrannical usurpers of The Constitution). We have been drifting ever faster into an utterly immense totalitarian police state which is the exact opposite of everything The Constitution was enacted to prevent (though no one at that time could even imagine the immense secret police powers the U.S. government now asserts over us and the entire world). We drift by a ratchet-up pattern: two steps into tyranny, one back and one pseudo-legalized; two steps into tyranny, one back and…on and on ever faster we rush into the iron cage as our new tyrants wrapped in the pseudo-Constitution launch new wars that create new terrors which they assert demand new tyrannical measures for national security.
We have now arrived at our fateful encounter with the bald face of total and blatant tyranny disguised only by the absurd lies about “the necessities of National Security.” We old Americans lived through the tyrannical wars of Truman, Eisenhower, JFK, LBJ, Nixon, Reagan, Bush I, Clinton and now Bush II, none of which were authorized by Congressional Declarations of War, the only way a war can be legitimized by The Constitution. (Ford and Carter were licking the wounds of the awful defeat of the U.S. in Vietnam, not launching great new “Wars of Liberation to make the world safe for Democracy.”) We have seen over and over again after many years of total secrecy that the U.S. secret police armies have grown ever more rapidly and usurped ever more powers. We have discovered to our dismay that we have been lied to over and over again to lure us into disastrous and ruinous wars used to justify ever more tyrannous usurpations. Each discovery led us to break out in vast outrage, as we did in the 1970’s after discovering the vast secret tyrannies of the FBI, CIA, DOD Special Ops, DIA, and all the other secret police and military armies. We even forced Nixon to resign in utter disgrace over some of his most extreme and clownish tyrannies known as “Watergate,” though almost all the vast tyrannies were perpetrated by the FBI, CIA, SS, DEA, and other secret police, not the tiny group of ex-secret police in the White House known as The Plumbers. Our outrage and demands led to new laws and cutbacks…but not to any significant dismantling of the secret police state in America. The CIA immediately launched a worldwide, secret program of “going off book” to hide even from the Senate overseers which continues to this day.
Bush I started the blatant attacks and annihilations of other states to put in place regimes which would “play ball” with him behind a Veil of Democracy. The earlier piecemeal and temporary invasions of Latin American countries over a whole century were transcended by the secret, total Air, Land, Sea invasion and annihilation of the Noriega Regime in Panama. Clinton annihilated the forces of Serbia and brought the people to the point of total starvation and death by disease by destroying their infrastructure. He continued this policy started by Bush I in Iraq. The U.S. secret overthrow of governments in the Muslim World which began under Truman in Iran and the occupation of Arab lands, especially Saudi Arabia, led to the attacks by Arab guerillas on 9/11. Bush II, Cheney and Rumsfeld (from the Nixon tyranny), and all of those who had been secretly developing a plan of permanent global empire for the U.S. in Rumsfeld’s DOD, immediately started invading and annihilating Arab nations to put in place the usual puppet regimes wrapped in an absurd veil of pseudo-democracy. Most of the American people, even most of the older ones who have seen all of this before, went along and totally supported it.
The growing defeat of the U.S. in Iraq has led to the same revulsion against the war we saw in Vietnam. Finally, people started coming out of the secret recesses of government to bear secret testimony to the vast war crimes of torture and murder and lies, lies, lies…
We are finally at the point at which some insiders are beginning to bear witness to the vast secret tyrannies always created by the government in these wars. Americans are not yet aware that the NSA, FBI, CIA, SS, DEA, ONR, DIA, and all the secret police have vastly expanded their secret spying on Americans by using the secret intelligence court to get rubber-stamped warrants to spy on any Americans they want to spy on. This is the tyrannical system created over recent decades, in total violation of the entire spirit and all letters of The Constitution, to give a thin veil of legitimacy to this tyranny which only the ignorant can believe. It is still hidden but is perfectly obvious to anyone watching closely. But the newest forms of Bush acts of tyranny scofflaw redefining of war crimes and torture and much else by the Justice Department appointees of Bush, vast torture systems, war crimes, CIA murders by rockets from the heavens, sniper murders worldwide, and now NSA spying on Americans inside America are popping into public view like the giant tips of utterly immense icebergs of tyranny.
The response around the world has been more outrage against The Evil Empire, as America is increasingly called. Famous seekers of peace and justice like Nelson Mandela have been denouncing The American Terror. Now even the new Nobel Laureate in literature from Britain has denounced American tyrannies and terror before the entire world, but was almost totally censored by the Media in America.
But the response in America has been muted outrage by liberal journalists, ear-splitting support from the Bush Media, a vast Media Propaganda Campaign by the Bush people to “justify” these measures by claiming that the President as “Commander In Chief” has Constitutional powers to do all of this and more (as Cheney has put it blatantly), and much yawning in boredom by the American people concerned mainly about their SUV’s and new status symbols. The government and the Big Media have exploded in a massive campaign of Big Lies claiming American victory in Iraq is just around the corner, the U.S. is building a shining democracy in Iraq, the President has Constitutional powers to do anything he wants to do to defend American security, and on and on.
Bush and his Party have blatantly violated the clear, specific, and explicit laws of the Constitution as well as its entire spirit from the beginning when the Party members on the Supreme Court overturned the explicit laws on how a disputed election for President is to be resolved in the Congress. He now blatantly violates the once sacred Amendment IV of the Bill of Rights of the Constitution and blatantly asserts he has all the Constitutional authority to do that and all the rest and, by obvious implication, anything he decides to do.
This is not the Secret Tyranny I have lived through my entire life in America (since birth in Miami, Florida, January 14, 1937). This is Blatant Tyranny hidden only by the thinnest veil of Big Lies and obfuscation that only the very ignorant believe. We are literally staring in the face of the Neo-Fascist Tyranny in America (the giant police state ruling over giant corporations and other concentrations of power hidden only by a veil of empty democratic forms and dead rhetoric about freedom).
Bush II has proudly and defiantly thrown the gauntlet of Despotic Tyranny into our faces in this vast Media Propaganda Campaign this week. He is utterly convinced that the American people will stare into that face of Tyranny and applaud its dictates and spying and mass murders and tortures.
I fear he is right and I am certain this is a great turning point for us Americans, a moment of fateful and fearful commitment. If he is not now driven from office in utter disgrace by massive outrage at his blatant Tyranny, but instead is allowed to continue building his blatant Despotism, then the gravely weakened Spirit of Freedom will die in America, we will live on in the ruins of the empty forms of Constitutional Democracy, and the iron cage of the totalitarian secret police state will close ever more painfully and fiercely around us.
December 20, 2005