"Sean Hannity is a great American!" proclaims a deep-voiced, male voice-over on 640 AM WHLO for Sean Hannity's daily radio program. Actually, the man doing the voice-over shouldn't announce it with so much gusto. Instead he should speak the sentence in the form of a question: "Sean Hannity is a great American?" Unfortunately, that will never happen, at least not on WHLO, where almost the entire program schedule is completely comprised of staunch George "Stalin" Bush supporters. In fact, WHLO should change their call letters to WGOP.
Start your morning off with Quinn & Rose, Bush supporters from Pittsburgh. They are followed by Laura Ingraham, another Bush apologist. Enjoy your lunch with the grand spin doctor himself, Rush Limbaugh. Rush is then followed by his protégé, Hannity, for your drive home. Please, try and eat your dinner with the mangy, rabid dog, Michael Savage, who comes on the air with more hate and propaganda. Finally, though, real radio programming starts at 10:00 p.m. with the Rollye James Show and then Coast to Coast AM.
How can anyone say that, "Sean Hannity is a great American!"? What has he done that is so great? Did he speak out against the Patriot Acts? Did he denounce the war of aggression against Iraq? The answer is a resounding no! In fact, not only did he toe the line with regards to the Patriot Act and the war in Iraq, he's beating on the war drums for the military to take on Iran. Are these the virtues that embody a great American? Hardly!
When I think of great Americans I think of people such as Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Ludwig von Mises, Henry Hazlitt, Murray Rothbard and Lew Rockwell. These men are great Americans, greats among so many others. Sean Hannity is a terrible American! In fact, Sean Hannity is an American traitor. Not necessarily a traitor to the United States, but rather a traitor to the very ideas and principles he supposedly supports.
In order for Hannity to be a great American he would have to come on the air, on both his radio and television programs, and denounce everything that Genghis Bush represents. The opening of both programs would start something akin to this: "George Bush claims he embraces capitalism, freedom and liberty. Let's look at his record folks. The federal deficit has never been larger, he signed into law more subsidies for farmers, he's suspended habeas corpus by declaring people enemy combatants and leaving them in legal limbo, he continues to turn America into a police state with both of the oxymoronically named Patriot Acts, and lest we forget the war against Iraq. That my friends, is not a person who embodies the ideals of capitalism, freedom and liberty. Furthermore, President Bush says he is a man of unwavering Christian faith; however, I don't see the murder of tens of thousands of Iraqis, Americans and people of other nationalities involved in the Iraqi debacle as Christian acts."
In actuality, Hannity and his other Bush apologist, talking-head colleagues are spoon-fed their information by Bush and his Legion of Doom cabinet members. They are Ministers of Propaganda, much like Joseph Gerbils. (I must give credit where credit is due; the last sentence comes from Triumph the Insult Comic Dog.) Hannity perverts the true meanings of the words capitalism, freedom and liberty in order for them to fit into Bush's actions of socialism, incarceration and a perpetual police state. Another perversion is Hannity's theme song for his radio program. The song attempts to connect the resurrection of Jesus Christ with the war in Iraq. I am not one of the 12 apostles, so I do not know first hand, yet I'm quite certain that Jesus Christ would not advocate mass murder in any way, no matter how one tries to explain the reasoning.
Everything Sean Hannity does is an apology for Bush's actions. Suppose that next Tuesday Bush announces an economic stimulus plan where the entire population has to fork over 95% of their earnings to the federal government in order to jump-start the economy. Hannity would be on the air proclaiming that Bush is the greatest economic visionary in the history of man. People would question the logic of Bush's decision, saying "It's outrageous to pay 95% of your income to the federal government." Hannity's retort would be that Bush is only beating the liberals at their own game: "Your money is safer with George Bush and the GOP, as opposed to letting the liberals have it. George Bush will spend it wisely; just imagine what the Democrats would do with your money. All of you out there have to recognize that the people against this economic stimulus plan are liberals plotting against the president to make him look bad. My friends don't be duped by the liberal bias machine."
Hannity will immediately accuse you as either a liberal, or a traitor to the United States of America for speaking out against Bush. All of this is a smokescreen to hide that George Bush and his goons are complete hypocrites. How can Hannity claim that protectionist trade policies represent capitalism? How can he claim that being incarcerated at Guantanamo Bay forever without a trial represents freedom? How can he claim the Patriot Acts I and II and national identification cards are consistent with the principles of liberty?
The answer to all three questions is that Hannity cannot claim any of these actions are consistent with the principles of capitalism, freedom and liberty. They are the exact opposite! Hannity's only desire is to see the size and scope of the government increase, as long as a Republican is responsible, of course. Thus, Sean Hannity is not a great American, he is a great Soviet!
March 2, 2005