English politics runs along much the same lines as in the US. The ruling Labour party is the equivalent of the Democrats, while the opposition Conservative party resembles, in all but actual power, the Republicans. As in the US, both mainstream parties offer nothing but public solutions to private problems. Both criticise the other for infringing basic freedoms (either social or economic), yet neither party recognises the basic right of the individual to both social and economic freedoms.
Thus, a vote for either party is a vote for slavery. The ruling classes have no interest whatsoever in handing back any power to the gullible masses; they debate merely the terms and direction of their instruments of power, namely the taxing, spending, regulating and policing authorities.
Of course, this is an open secret, even a tacit conspiracy. And when things get a bit out of hand, when the veil slips, when the mob twitches in anticipation of a pleasant bout of revolutionary mayhem, it's time for war. Patriotism, that last refuge of the scoundrel, is the pounding heartbeat of totalitarian democracy.
It's all done with words. Language is culture. Control of language is control of culture. In a culture of control, words must be defined according to the needs of the controllers. Through public education and the mass-media, these definitions are internalised by the broad mass of people, who, lacking self-definition, will devolve their individual power to the defining authority. Thus, while religion may confer a communal spiritual security on the individual devotee, a government may offer, through foreign conquest, a subsidiary sense of omnipotence to the powerless citizen.
Who could refuse?
The ruling elites (though not the lesser political ranks) know how it all works. They manifest their megalomaniacal phantasies through a thoroughgoing manipulation of language. As Nietzche advocated and Leo Strauss' acolytes demonstrate, words are at the service of will, and the will to power is all. A u2018noble lie' may serve a deeper truth, and this truth is the truth of primal power.
As a treat, I offer an insider's view of politics. Remember, these are not my own views. I'm just channeling.
Preaching to the Animals
Preaching to the animals Is ever so much fun. With every hit of wicked wit We score a hole in one.
This is the thrilling challenge, On soapbox, stage, or mound: To sense a need and take the lead Towards the grazing ground.
Then, when the cows are mooing, We issue stern commands, And wave our arms like magic charms, And gesture with both hands.
And we will show them fences, And they will give us milk, And tasty meat for us to eat, And others of our ilk.
And we can give up preaching, And simply have a ball. The human herd won't say a word. They never think at all,
But go on grimly chewing Until the butchers come. Then off they go, a sorry show, To join the fatal scrum.
They're hardly even human, But u2018cattle' to we few, Who know the source of all our force. (If only those fools knew!).
Let's preach to all the animals. Each word will lead them on To pastures where, without a care, A myriad beasts have gone.
October 27, 2003