Trivial Examples can be Emblematic
We live in the age of diversity. I operate a medical office and recently placed an ad in the local newspaper for a medical assistant. I asked the young lady in the classified-ad department to specify that a woman was needed; I am not particularly prejudiced against men, but when examining females it is an ethical practice for a male physician to have a woman present. Therefore, common sense dictates that the prospective worker should be of the female gender. "You can't do that." The rules for placing advertisements in the newspapers do not allow gender discrimination. We live in the age of diversity.
There are changes in America; gay liberation; the age of feminism; the word black has been removed from the dictionary in order not to offend a certain nameless race. I wonder how long the term non-white will be allowed? As George Orwell pointed out in his apocryphal novel 1984, the language is changing. With a change in the language our thought processes are changing, and it is regarding these changes in thought processes that I wish to write this article.
We are told in the Ten Commandments not to lie. Why is this? The believer will tell you that it is God's will. Why is it God's will? I should like to propose that the essence of the bourgeois relationship between people and between entities interacting in society, both nationally and internationally, is honesty. The traditions of the great traders; the Greeks, the Phoenicians, Carthaginians and, ultimately, the republican law of the Roman Empire, defined contracts and promises. Ultimately, a trader's word is his bond, and the little example I started this article with, the possible relationship will need to be honest. Having the Department of Labor determine what I can or cannot know about my prospective employee and coworker introduces a conflict, even before any relationship is mooted, let alone cemented. Of course, the laws of the Department of Labor, or whichever government bureaucracy it is – I know not and care not – were undoubtedly introduced to protect somebody, something, or some principle; but they are destructive.
Why were they introduced? How is it that the legislators and rule-makers were so stupid? Or were they? Perhaps they have another agenda? The agenda is conflict. The ultimate purpose is control. The medium is entitlements, and the dialectic tool is diversity.
Let me elaborate on these statements. First, let us look at acknowledged dialectic plans achieving control through conflict. These are not well publicized. It goes without saying that dissimulation involves secrecy of method. Nonetheless, over the eons of history, some of these plots have come out; not all plots are successful. Plots, in order to be successful, need to be fairly large, long lasting, and have circles of control. Only corrupt politicians can be controlled, and, therefore, all politicians have to be corrupt. How might we, the hoi polloi, judge whether our politicians are controlled? Simple. If they are corrupt, they have a controller. We may not always be aware of the corruption, but as the control increases, the confidence of the plotters escalates; they hide their control and the corruption of their employee politicians less. The Clinton administration is a striking example. His personal popularity is also a test of the decadence amongst the voters. A belief in principle, in veracity, honor and fortitude, are jaded. This occurred to Rome when it slipped from republic to empire. A small group of politicians addicted to power found a way to subvert the then stable world for their own aggrandizement. It was not long before Rome was sacked. Our own demise is in the offing, not far in the wings. The contemporary reader will, of course, recognize that there may be similarities in the broad-brush trends of history between the Roman and the American empires. There are also great differences. The differences are: 1) Technological, 2) Psychological. By psychological, I do not mean necessarily that the frame of mind of the masses, the hoi polloi, is very different. I do mean that the technology for altering peoples' states of mind has advanced, and is more sophisticated. You see, in Roman times, most of the population was illiterate, and means of mass-communication did not exist. In our times, the opposite pertains.
The problem in this regard is the Renaissance. During the Renaissance, there was, as the name states, an awakening of man's mind, a resurrection of the Greek traditions and Aristotelian scientific empiricism, in particular. People learned to trust their observations, to develop hypotheses, conduct experiments, and learn from reality. Learn from what is. This liberation of the previously enslaved human mind; enslaved to various superstitions often labeled religion has gone on since the decay of the Roman Empire, first the Eastern Empire under Constantine, and, of course, with the Muslim conquest, the situation was aggravated. These religions bind the human mind and preclude independent thinking. The Jewish religion might have had seeds of independent thinking and responsibility (as reflected in commandments two through ten), but after the first Diaspora in Babylon and the scholastic introspection of the Talmudic era, that tradition of innovation of the human mind ceased, as well.
The Dark Ages were just that: dark. Accordingly, and from the point of view of those who would control humanity, it was necessary, nay, imperative, to stop the renaissance mind; to stymie innovation and development. It is quite clear that an open, straightforward approach would not work. For this, a long course of dissimulation, conspiracy, penetration and agents of influence were needed, all under a strategy. What is this strategy? It is the psychological plan, which began with the illuminati of Adam Weishaupt.1 This man, probably provisioned by the conspiratorial bankers whose letters of credit, whose international banking cooperatives, and whose lending and money exchange, facilitated the trade which was essential for the Renaissance, in their ambition to increase their influence and control the movement. Other plans for this kind of control have been revealed in other times. Sun Tsu2 discussed and taught what is necessary for ruling in ancient Chinese times. Niccol Machiavelli3, who wrote a treatise for the Medici's on control of the population by a prince through deceit. The Report From Iron Mountain4 was the closest plan that anticipated the unfolding of events in America in the second half of the 20th centaury. Seen from the present time the details of history that have unfolded verify the prescience of the originators of this interesting and foul document. More recently, a book written by a Soviet defector, identifying the camouflage and conquest plan of the KGB Disinformation Department of the then Soviet Union, circa 19615 appeared.
Each of these sources in its own way, and with interesting variations, has outlined a plot to divert the stable order of the civilized world to power holders and power grabbers. None of these contains an entire blueprint. I am quite certain that the outlines in many of these nefarious documents are wish lists. Almost certainly, true plots and plans for conspiratorial control are secret and have never been revealed. There are two means by which we can try and judge what the plotters are up to. 1) Seeking information from u2018deep throats,' i.e., reports of people who have supposedly been part of the scheme and have defected and 2) by working out what such a plan would need to do; and then set out to observe whether historical events are, indeed, following on such lines.
Both of these methods are fraught with difficulties. The first is: How do we know which reports and belated revelations are genuine? How do we know that the reporters truly had access to first-class information? And, how do we separate disinformation from legitimate evidence? In James Jesus Angleton's6 term, this is a wilderness of mirrors. It is also quite clear that any documents or plots which have been released into the public domain are not pleasing to conspirators, and, therefore, a distinct sign of their validity might be that they are: 1) Suppressed, 2) vilified, 3) ignored, 4) groups or individuals who are interested in them will be persecuted, probably through the ad-hominem mechanism.
With this armamentarium, let us take a look at the subject of this essay, at diversity. On second thought, I need to lay a little more groundwork. We learn from New Lies For Old, that circa 1960, a strategy was created at the Kremlin to destroy glavny vrag (the ultimate enemy – us). The strategy was (and is):
- To infiltrate drugs into the United States to emasculate the youth.
- Distract the US strategy and military with a multitude of irrelevant wars in remote places, and dissipate military preparedness and reserves.
- Conquer strategic shipping routs in the world; the Cape of Good Hope and Middle Eastern oil.
- Infiltrate the relevant government departments in the US through spying and the placement of agents of influence, to pervert and control American foreign policy and subsequently domestic policy away from national goals.
- In this context, influence the concept of national goals using Sun Tsu's philosophy, the important aspect of which is to make the enemy wish to surrender.
How do you change the enemy's mind?
- By infiltrating their educational institutions and sources of information.
- By perverting their national goals, morals, and religion.
- They need to be dumbed down. This will make everything less difficult.
This grand strategy, when brought to completion, will constitute the greatest military victory in the whole of history, and might, I am afraid, also represent the last such victory, because when finally defeated, the human spirit may never fight another war.
The Role of Christianity
Christianity is a religion, which has birthed Protestantism, particularly Calvinist Protestant ethics. These have been an essential component for the engine of freeing the human mind, the Renaissance. It goes without saying that a grand strategy, as I am outlining, will have to see as its task, the need to destroy Christianity. It will also need to replace independent thinking with obedience, dogmatism, and a confused mind, which cannot think. The process is a generational one. It will take time. Grand strategies, by definition, take time. Now, with this armamentarium, let us try and look at what is happening in America, and I shall focus particularly on the phenomenon of diversity.
The Dialectical Process
People lose confidence in themselves, in their thought processes, in their inventiveness and enterprise, when they have suffered from a phenomenon called cognitive dissonance. This is a phenomenon in the mind where there is a contradiction between information, which is "known" on the one hand, and empirical observations that contradict that "knowledge," on the other. Recently, there has been a lot of discussion on Islam. In the Koran, one understands there are passages about mercy and kindness, but the essence of Mohammedanism is conquest and death to infidels by the sword. This is an example of the contradiction that might bring upon its holder cognitive dissonance. These people lose the ability to think for themselves and are more likely to follow the diktats of the mullahs. They cannot work out for themselves what, really, they should do.
Contrast this with the Renaissance man; let us take the example of Galileo Galilei, who, when commanded by Cardinal Balamino, as head of the Roman Catholic Inquisition in 1633, to reverse his position on the revolution of the planets around the sun, did so verbally, but did not accept the view the church commanded. Hence, the emblematic claim that under his breath he muttered, "But the earth still goes round the sun." It is this phrase that is emblematic of our civilization. We recognize and accept the observations of senses and our logic. We do not follow the diktats of the Inquisition, the Homeland Security Office, the Department of Education, or the schoolteacher, when it does not correspond to our observations.
Now, it is also evident that it will be the strategy of the deceivers to introduce all new policies in the name of something good. It would not work if they were introduced in the name of something bad, now would it? So, do not be impressed by the dissimulation. You should expect dissimulation.
In 1985, President Reagan signed a contract with Mikhail Gorbachev introducing Soviet techniques of education into the American system, via the Department of Education. There have been many instances of cooperation and subservience to this trend. These go back to the introduction of the educational systems in America through centralized government, at first instigated by the Carnegie Foundation at the beginning of the 20th Century. The greatest landmark, however, is this signature. The details are presented in Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt's book7. We see, therefore, that as the correlation of forces shifted from the USA and NATO, to the USSR. Circa 1980, there has been a striking escalation in the transformation of America. One part of the puzzle in the transformation – in the dumbing-down of what would have been the intellectual class of the next generation – is the introduction of wholesale cognitive dissonance.
It is quite plain that various victim groups and minority groups do not have peculiar merits. At best, they deserve equal treatment under the law. Protection and equal rights under the law were placed in the constitution of this republic. In the few instances where it was not totally applied, e.g., the right of black people, correction of the inequality was achieved during the 20th Century by honorable means. However, the customary current creation of special status and special rights to a host of small categories of people, in the instance I gave at the introduction of this article of the right not to have her gender asked when seeking employment, is an example of this destructive process which in itself is trivial but emblematic of the process of mind control and cumulatively it is destructive.
Diversity as a Tool in the Dialectic
In my article on the dialectic8, I have dealt with the issue of enhancing control of communities by creating strife within them; blacks against whites, gays against straights. The most disgusting of these dialectics is man against woman. The nucleus of our civilization is the family. I, for one, have nothing but love and respect for my wife. It is true that this devotion is reciprocated. If it were not our marriage could not last, but I shudder to think of the spouses the younger generations will encounter if the normal variation in mentality between man and woman is multiplied by the State, officially, with the notion of exploitation. To so pervert the minds of women that they decline gestures of chivalry because it is demeaning for them to be admired; they are not "equal" is an example of the dialectic in operation. How ridiculous! The inequality of the sexes is self-evident. Anyone who is foolish enough to parade around stating their equality is a victim of this phenomenon of brainwashing through the process of the dialectic and cognitive dissonance. If you, dear reader, cannot see the difference between a man and a woman, you have lost control of your senses. It is an example of believing is seeing when a critical mass of Americans are subject to this syndrome of believing is seeing. Under the new "educational" system, that is the day that will mark the time when we have lost our civilization.
Professional Victims and their Hierarchy
A holocaust is a major disaster. The Holocaust has arrived in American consciousness, artificially. The Nazi regime in the Third Reich was, by any standard, one of mankind's worst experiences. Their racial ideas were bizarre and cruel; they perpetrated horrors. Nonetheless, the holocaust industry has arrogated to itself a special status as victims.9
Now, ordinarily one might assume that being victimized is something a person is ashamed of. That, indeed, is the natural human reaction. But, why do so many Jews of America make a virtue of their victimhood status? After all, the American civilian population was only marginally involved in the horrors of the Second World War, and only a small fraction of the American population is Jewish. However, once they were established as an official victim party, we have had a cascade of other minority categories and victims. In fact, everyone is a victim except for adult white males. This is the grist of creating a Hobbsian war of all against all; the pathetic and disgusting scene in America. Are people attempting to identify themselves with groups rather than standing as individuals, and competing in the hierarchy of victimhood? This is positively contemptible. It marks the decay from the typical Americanist pride in individuality and personal achievement, to that of groupthink and having a handout as a beggar. The victimhood business is a measure of the decay of our society.
A Conspiracy
There has been a lot of discussion as to whether the gradual decline of the Renaissance tradition is a result of a natural progression of events, a natural sequence which occurs to civilizations, or whether it is a result of a plot, and I am afraid that I have to admit that I was uncertain on this matter for a long time. I would sometimes make statements that it was probably something of both, but I have recently come to understand what I will call the acid test. The comparison is between the sequence in the devolution and destruction of the Roman Empire, and that of the American one. The decline of the Roman Empire came from greed, stupidity and treason; it gradually fell apart over 500 years. Our empire is at the point of catastrophic destruction because all the elements I have listed earlier are coming into play together. Such synchrony cannot be that of random fate. Such a coincidence defies the rational mind.
I am grateful to John F. McManus, who recently published William F. Buckley, Jr.'s Pied Piper for the Establishment10, in which there is a lengthy discussion on James Burnham's books, which had seduced me personally in years gone by, to the belief in the inevitable gradualism. Regrettably, I had never taken the trouble to research the person of James Burnham and his political connections. Now that John McManus has brought these to my attention (and you should read his book to embellish your understanding, dear reader), I not only understand the sequence better, I am also relieved of my own cognitive dissonance on this issue.
There is a Conspiracy
There is a conspiracy against the rational mind of the civilized man in western civilization, and it has many dimensions. One of the most pernicious is the concept of diversity. Diversity is exactly what it is not. For myself, I believe in diversity, by which I mean respect for each individual, often the love of each human as a person; that each of us should attain the highest level of intellectual growth and personal well-being possible.
With that, I believe in free association, and in society, in what should be a republican state, freedom and equality under the law, and laws have to be fixed and fair. In summary, the structure created in 1785 with the establishment of the American republic after the war of independence. We have, unfortunately, strayed a long way from those principles, from the greatest political embodiment of the principles of the Renaissance, and the bourgeois ethics of the middle class.11
Diversity should not mean the promotion of strife between man and women, between the races, and between people with different sexual proclivities. Above all, it must not mean the promotion of barbaric concepts which had been embodied in primitive civilizations which dumb down humanity over most of the globe, over most of human history. How can there possibly be equality between an analphabet, tribal barbarism, and western civilization?
We read, for instance, about zero tolerance, for expression of disapproval of various marginal groups imposed on people in universities, from principals to freshmen. The reason we are seeing, both in the universities and in the workplaces of large corporations and government, a compulsion, to support, nay, to promote, minority groups in the name of something good, essentially in the name of respect and tolerance under the title diversity, is in order to destroy the ethics, the pride, the independence and the free mind in the majority, and those who are most likely to be innovative and productive in our society. After all, the success of our society depends on intelligent minds able to function in a fearless environment and attain their maximum potential achievement.
Traditionally, these have been the minds of men, mostly white men. Let us continue to harvest the wisdom from future generations of white men's brains; that does not mean we should not harvest the best possible from the brains of everyone else. Suppression of freedom in the name of freedom, monotonous dogmatism under the name of diversity, fear called freedom, oppression called equal opportunity, equal opportunity called quotas; these are the tools of suppression, suppression of the free mind. This is a psychological tool. This tool did not exist in the time of the Roman Empire. This tool is the product of malicious minds, including those of Macchiavelli, Weishaupt, Gramsci12, John Rawlings Rees13 headed England's famous Tavistock Clinic, an outgrowth of the Tavistock Institute of Medical Psychology founded in 1920. B.F. Skinner14. Many additional details regarding the degradation of education in America can be found in Iserbyt's book, as well as in previous issues of this newsletter.15
In summary, this article has looked at the phenomenon of diversity, which is exploding in America in the context of the saga that is the destruction of our civilization. We should do everything in our power to support, nurture, and help ourselves, our families, and fellow men. We should do it out of self-interest. We should protect ourselves and our fellowmen from the small category of personalities which seemingly grow up in our society from time to time. These are people who are addicted to power, and when power comes to them they are destructive not only to the rest of us, for whom they do not care, but, ultimately destructive of themselves. Every addiction has this quality of eventually harming the person so afflicted. In a wonderful recent novel these have been described as the Alpha16. This novel is enheartening; restoring faith. It is also so well written that it cannot be put down. Though the construction, the internal structure and connectedness of the concept does not match Ayn Rand's achievement in Atlas Shrugged, it exceeds her vision by a deeper understanding of renaissance civilization and men's ethics.
- Robison, John. Proofs of Conspiracy, 1798, American Opinion Bookstore Services, PO Box 8040, Appleton, WI 54913.
- Tsu, Sun. The Art of War, edited by Samuel V. Griffith, Oxford University Press, London, 1963.
- Machiavelli, Niccol. The Prince, 1513.
- Lewin, Leonard C. Report From Iron Mountain, on the Possibility and Desirability of Peace, Dial Press, 1967, available from Emissary Publications, 9205 Southeast Clackamas Road, #1776, Clackamas, OR 97015.
- Golitsyn, Anatoliy. New Lies For Old, 1984, Dodd, Mead and Company, New York.
- Chief counter-spy at the CIA during and after the second world war.
- Iserbyt, Charlotte Thomson, The Dumbing Down of America, a Chronological Paper Trail, 1990, Conscience Press, PO Box 449, Ravenna, OH 44266-0449.
- Novick, Peter. The Holocaust in American Life, 1999.
- McManus, John F. William F. Buckley, Jr., Pied Piper for the Establishment, The John Birch Society, 2002. ISBN #1-881-919-06-4. Available from the John Birch Society, PO Box 8040, Appleton, WI 54912.
- The Sinful State by Lew Rockwell.
- Gramsci, Antonio. Selections from the Prison Notebooks, 1971, International Publishers, New York.
- John Rawlings Rees was the first head of the Tavistock Insititute in the U.K. responsible for mass mind control.
- Skinner, B.F. 19041990. A psychologist specializing in behaviorism, author of Beyond Freedom and Dignity, and Walden II, 1949.
- Education and Psychology.
- A Lodging of Wayfaring Men. Laissez Faire Books (800) 326-0996.
January 1, 2003