Lately a wealth of indignities have been heaped upon the Cardinal Archbishop of Boston, his bureaucracy, and his bad management practices (or his criminality, depending on whom you read). The Boston media proudly led this parade of sanctimony (or outrage; take your choice), and now plaintiff lawyers who hate the Church are cashing in (or demanding justice: again, you have to choose). The reason? A coverup of priestly sexual abuse so shocking that it has been called the worst crisis in the history of the Catholic Church in America.
One thing is clear: the people of Massachusetts are outraged, and want change. These fine, progressive people want nothing to do with muckety-mucks who would abuse the helpless, and then cover it up with private payoffs, covering up evidence, and making deals with prosecutors. “Throw the bums out,” they demand. “Enough of the arrogance. Enough of the hypocrisy! Enough of the excuses. The powerful should be just as subject to the law as the rest of us. Even the Vatican should be held responsible.”
Wait a minute.
Aren't these the same people who have elected, again and again, the benighted driver of Chappaquiddick, who: killed an innocent girl half his age, covered up the evidence, microwaved his drivers license, secretly paid off the girl's family to give “closure” to their grief, and … was re-elected?
Again and again?
Just like the child-abusers who were re-appointed to public ministries, this senatorial malefactor was repeatedly re-appointed to his public office by his superiors (for the electorate of Massachusetts has long considered itself to be superior, believe me). For thirty years they have known this dirty little secret, and have nonetheless foisted him on the nation masquerading as a leader, a Catholic, and a model.
And the national Democrat Party, the closest thing to an American Vatican of the Left, has reaffirmed this decision voiced by the Massachusetts electorate, all the while knowing exactly what the facts were in the case.
And the Boston media, having built their socialist cocoon around the myth of Camelot, could not afford to reject the cornerstone of the edifice in which they had invested so much.
Enough of the arrogance! Enough of the hypocrisy! Enough of the excuses! The powerful should be just as subject to the law as the rest of us. Even the DNC should be held responsible!
Even the Boston Globe.
Sue Massachusetts. Sue their media! Sue the Senate. Sue'em all.
Hey, wasn't child rapist Garry Studds from … Massachusetts?
May 24, 2002