by Joseph Sobran
October 2, 2003
Reading Ronald Reagans newly published letters reminds me how much Ive always liked him, even after I stopped admiring him as a president. He was always a modest, decent, good-humored man, with more common sense and a keener sense of proportion than most politicians. And he loved a good laugh.
But the very qualities that made him charming and convivial underscored the absurdity of entrusting him, or any man, with the awful power of the American presidency. The superlatives his adulators heap on him seem as wide of the mark as the exaggerations of his detractors: he was really quite an ordinary man, and he never pretended to be anything else. He should never have had all that power, but who should? At least it should be in the hands of a man who didnt take himself too seriously and wouldnt abuse it as grossly as most.
He only shocked me once. That was in 1983, shortly after the grisly bombing of the U.S. Marine barracks in Lebanon, when he ordered the retaliatory shelling of a village that was said to be a terrorist stronghold. Such an act was bound to kill indiscriminately. It was murder! And the Ronald Reagan I knew wasnt a murderer! This couldnt be happening!
But it did happen, and everyone seemed to take it for granted that a president had to strike back at terrorism, however wildly, in order to display American resolve. It wasnt murder; it was part of the job description.
Id first paid attention to Reagan when I was in high school and I heard a recorded speech hed given, as a spokesman for General Electric, contrasting American free enterprise with Communism. I thought he was terrific. I was delighted a few years later when he went into politics and got elected governor of California.
By the time he ran for president in 1980 I had high hopes for him. I thought he would lead a repeal of all of liberalisms gains since the New Deal. I didnt stop to reflect that I was thinking like a liberal myself hoping for a president who would be a messianic leader, a charismatic one-man show.
Well, there have been worse political messiahs. Whatever else he did, Reagan never lost his modest charm. I heard him speak at a few conservative gatherings, and he never failed to bring down the house with a great joke. As a British writer recently observed, Bob Hope couldnt hold a candle to Reagan as a raconteur. He really brought fun to the White House. I was never prouder than when I heard hed roared at some of my own jokes.
I was one of his true believers one of those who cried, Let Reagan be Reagan! in the conviction that those weaselly moderate Republican advisors, those disdained men around the president, were holding him back from acting like the true conservative he was at heart.
I was bound to be disappointed by his compromises. In time I was so disillusioned with him that I actually made a joke at his expense: Let someone else be Reagan. But that wasnt until his second term.
Many principled conservatives saw through Reagan long before I did if I ever did. He had a way of convincing sentimentalists like me that he shared our passions, despite any appearances to the contrary. I was a sucker for him, and maybe I still am. I think I know better now, but Im not entirely sure.
Strange, the way some men can make you want to believe in them. Whatever that quality is, Reagan had it. At one time, about half my friends were Reagan speechwriters, and every one of them worshipped him. Theyre still writing loving books about him.
That was my generation. Well never feel that way about another politician. Maybe you can be pardoned for getting carried away like that once in your life, but in any case it cant happen twice.
If youre really wise, it wont even happen to you once. The U.S. Constitution defines the presidents duties very narrowly, and they dont include running the economy, bombing villages, or even telling great jokes.
Reagan wasnt a great president. Great presidents, as usually conceived, are unconstitutional. I like to think Reagan understood this. At least Im pretty sure he was the last president who even glanced at the Constitution once in a while.
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Joseph Sobran (19462010), conservative turned libertarian, was one of the most significant American writers. See his website and his intellectual journey.