Operation Empire State Rebellion


Well, Ben Bernanke can’t say he wasn’t warned. You may recall, the hacker group known as Anonymous issued a demand on March 11 that Bernanke step down as Fed chairman.

“We aim to break up the global banking cartel centered at the Federal Reserve, International Monetary Fund, Bank of International Settlements [sic] and World Bank,” their video manifesto declares.

The outfit managed to briefly shut down the websites of Amazon, PayPal, Visa and MasterCard in retaliation for those firms’ cutting business ties to WikiLeaks, so we assume the original threat was more than just an idle one.

Fast-forward 90 days. Big surprise, Bernanke has not resigned. But on Saturday, hackers broke into the computer system of the International Monetary Fund. They got away with a “large quantity” of data, including documents and e-mails.

At least, that’s what a security expert “familiar with the incident who wasn’t authorized to speak on the subject” told Bloomberg. As of this morning, no one knows who did the job.

Only hours later, however, Anonymous issued a new statement, with the ingenious title “Ctrl+Alt+Bernanke.”