In Defense of Stockpiling

The Survival Mom

You say potato, I say po-tah-toe. You say tomato, I say to-mah-toe. You say hoarding, I say prepping.

That may not be exactly how the lyrics go, but to some people, stocking up/stockpiling is the same as hoarding, and hoarding is evil. I disagree, and here are five reasons why it’s smart to stockpile everything from food to tools to toiletries and beyond.

  1. Stockpiling buys you time. If the store shelves are empty, it’s a whole lot easier to begin using food in your storage pantry than it is to suddenly become a master gardener, growing your own fresh produce and raising your own animals for food. You can get the garden started and not go hungry because you have a pantry filled with stockpiled food.
  2. We still live in a land of plenty. If I decide to go to Costco and buy a dozen packages of their toilet paper, it doesn’t mean that some poor soul across town is going to have to start using pages from the phone book. There is plenty of food, plenty of toilet paper, plenty of batteries, etc. to go around. It may not always be that way, but it is now, and we can use that to our future advantage.

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