Becky and Tom: Just remember that the TSA’s function is found in the letters: “Total Submission Authority.” Its function has absolutely nothing to do with combating “terrorism.” There are no more “terrorists” running loose in this country than there were “bogeymen” with which I used to scare my little sisters when we were children. One need only read Viktor Frankl’s book, Man’s Search for Meaning to discover that, like Frankl’s Nazi concentration camp experiences, the TSA’s role is to degrade and dehumanize people; to remind us that the state can humiliate us to any degree it chooses whenever it chooses, and that those who resist will be punished and put on secret lists for some undefined future use.
I was at a private business recently, where the company had picked up on this utter foolishness, insisting on checking the purses, brief-cases, etc., of all entrants. I asked the inspector “how many weapons, explosives, etc., has this company discovered this way?” His answer: “Not a one.”
1:33 pm on April 16, 2012