The New War on Girls?

Since at least the 1960s the mantra of every politically-correct, “liberal” woman has been some version of: “It’s my body, keep the government out of it.”  Or, “I have a constitutional right to privacy, including the right to an abortion.”  They’ve gone on and on and on about the sacredness of a woman’s body, and her “sacred” right to abort her babies without interference from male politicians.

Millions of these same American women now support having the male-dominated government FORCE measles and other vaccinations on their female (and male) children, primarily for the pecuniary benefit of the male-dominated pharmaceutical industry.  Privacy schmivacy is their new mantra.

Rush Limbaugh had a good point years ago when he labeled such women “feminazis,” defined as someone whose life seems to be disproportionately and exclusively devoted to doing everything possible to maximize the number of abortions in the U.S.   If they really did believe in a right to privacy, they would oppose state-mandated vaccinations rather than support them.


10:54 am on February 11, 2015