The NSA bases the legality of its espionage against us on ground shakier than a politician’s integrity:
In a 1979 case involving small-scale collection of “metadata” about telephone calls — information related to the calls, like the number dialed and the duration, but not the contents of the communications — the Supreme Court ruled that such records were not protected by the Constitution because people have already revealed the existence of their calls to telephone companies and so have no reasonable expectation of privacy.
It’s a good thing no one asked the Clowns to rule on whether serfs have an expectation of privacy after denuding themselves for medical exams, or we’d all be walking around naked. And before some wise guy cheers at the thought of a Hollywood bimbo au natural, let me remind you the missing “expectation of privacy” would extend to such nightmares as Pillary Clinton, Janet “Big Sister” Napolitano, and Moochelle Obummer.
This is typical for the injustice system, by the way. Morons without the sense God gave wallpaper issue a crackpot ruling like this, based on the idea that “privacy,” like liberty, is divisible and different, depending on whether we’re talking about individuals or groups of individuals, i.e., “companies.” And from this transparent attempt to increase Leviathan’s power spring such atrocities as the NSA’s spying on the world.
12:45 pm on October 2, 2013