Ron Paul and the Anti-Abortion Lobby

As usual, Anthony and Ryan are dead on. The modern “fight” against abortion is little more than a shell game, as the so-called Right-to-Life lobby has submarined everything that would have effectively overturned Roe. Here is the thing to keep in mind: the “official” Right-to-Life lobby needs to have the issue nationalized if for no other reason than to protect their own jobs in Washington, D.C.

No, I am not saying that the Right-to-Life lobby is a jobs program for “respectable” activists (though at times that is what it seems to be). However, once Roe was overturned or Congress had voted to take all abortion issues out of the federal courts, the issue no longer would be nationalized, and there would be little need for a Right-to-Life presence in Washington.One reason that they insist on a Constitutional amendment is that they know it never will pass. Thus, they keep their presence in DC indefinitely. Furthermore, that means that they have a presence right now in every appointment to the federal bench. If Ron Paul were to have his way and take abortion out of the federal courts, then many of these federal bench appointments would be irrelevant, at least where abortion is concerned, and one thing that a well-funded lobby does not like is being irrelevant.

What really bothers me, however, has been the way that the so-called Right-to-Life lobby has treated Ron Paul. His message has by far been the most devastating against legalized abortion, as he has stated over and over again that he never came up against a situation in which abortion was necessary to save the life of a mother, despite having participated in more than 4,000 deliveries.

Yet, the lobbyists dare call him “pro-abortion.” That is untrue and evil.


11:13 am on February 14, 2008