Doublethink, accepting contradictions without being confused, without questioning, and without even knowing that one is accepting them without question, is one of the facilities of the human mind. Does it manifest itself more at some times than others, like foul language, witchcraft, tattoos and horror movies? It seems that way. We are told that global warming produces global cooling, in which case we are told that the warming is not observed but the cooling is. Which is it? If we observe cooling but not warming, where’s the warming?
We have been told by official sources that ISIS poses no imminent terror threat to America, or none of any significant nature, but at the same time we are being told that bombing this, that and the other thing in Syria and Iraq reduces terror threats to America. Which is it? If ISIS poses no threat to us, how can bombing reduce that negligible or non-existent threat?
Added to that, we are told that by bombing and reducing the terror threat overseas, the U.S. raises the terror threat in America (from so-called “lone-wolf” terrorists). Is the net threat to America higher or lower? Which is it?
Obama says it’s cool to bomb the camps of bad guy terrorists in Syria, and the non-terrorist Syrians shouldn’t do anything about it. He tells the non-terrorist Syrians (whom at times he has called terrorist-sympathizers and supporters) that he’s not cool with their shooting at American planes, and if they do, he’ll fire at them. But if these Syrians should spot some terrorists in America who it says are threats to them, and if they had the capacity to launch an attack on them and did, would U.S. officials not consider that an act of war and be shooting at the Syrian attackers? We are told to think that Obama does “right” by going anywhere he pleases to bomb or can get away with, but we are not supposed to think about what he’s really doing and how we’d think it “wrong” if some other country did the same to America. Right and wrong no longer exist under doublethink. Right inherently contradicts wrong, and we cannot have that. Therefore, they must disappear.
12:21 pm on September 24, 2014