Freedom of Speech and Expression? Not With Conservatives, Apparently

Well, the constantly offended kvetches are out really out there now. This time it’s the ultra-conservatives, the anti-“anti-Semitism” crowd who are extremely bothered by the Metropolitan Opera’s upcoming performances of The Death of Klinghoffer, a 1991 opera by composer John Adams. The opera is a musical dramatic portrayal of the true story of Palestinian hijackers who murdered an elderly American in 1985. Criticisms of the opera, such as by writers at the American Thinker and neocon former Congressman Allen West’s website, are solely out of ignorance and emotion. I have written about the opera, and about the censoring of the HD simulcasts at theaters — and no, it is not an example of “Jew hatred” as the “Thinker” suggests.

And it isn’t just a boycott or protest against the performances these people want — they want to shut down the performances entirely, by suggesting that people write to the Met’s General Manager Peter Gelb to cancel the whole thing. And they are suggesting pressuring corporate sponsors and donors as well, to punish the opera company financially for carrying on with the performances.

But isn’t censorship and suppression what the Left constantly does, such as the Southern Poverty Law Center, Media Matters etc.? Isn’t it leftists who attempt to silence and censor what they find distasteful or disagree with (e.g. banning Hans Hoppe from Sweden and Finland, banning Ann Coulter from Canada, banning Michael Savage from the U.K., wanting to jail “deniers” of global warming, etc)?

Now, now, reactionaries, there is no reason to fear that opera. If you don’t like it, then don’t go see it. Or advise others not to see it. Or stand on the streets at Lincoln Center during the performances holding signs expressing what ignoramuses you are. But remember, it’s only an opera. An opera can’t hurt anyone.

And an opera can’t hurt Jews. Don’t worry about it.


1:14 pm on August 28, 2014