Why You Are a Libertarian


You’re a libertarian because you abhor violence . . .

When a neighbor isn’t willing to contribute as much to a social project as you are, you’d never think of:

Using a gun to force him to contribute;

Hiring an armed gang to threaten to kidnap him or confiscate his money if he didn’t contribute;

Using the government in place of the armed gang if he didn’t contribute – because every government program, in the final analysis, involves violence against those who don’t comply.

If two people have agreed to engage in voluntary behavior between them, with no violence involved, you’d never think of:

Using a gun to stop them;

Hiring an armed gang to threaten to kidnap them if they didn’t stop;

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Using the government in place of the armed gang to stop them.

If a company and an individual have agreed to engage in voluntary behavior between them, with no violence involved, you’d never think of:

Using a gun to stop them;

Hiring an armed gang to threaten to kidnap them if they didn’t stop;

Using the government in place of the armed gang to stop them.

If a foreign government is not attacking America, you’d never support the idea of initiating violence against the foreign country.

As one who abhors violence, you’re willing to tolerate anything that’s peaceful, and you practice the principle of live and let live – opposing the initiation of force (violence) against anyone for any purpose.

That’s why you’re a libertarian.

December 19, 2005

The late Harry Browne, the author of Why Government Doesn’t Work and many other books, was the Libertarian presidential candidate in 1996 and 2000. See his website.

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